Making Michael Palmers inexpensive pollen sub
2019年3月11日 · This recipe makes approximately 5.25 lbs of pollen patties. Ingredients: 2.6 lbs sugar 1 pound of HOT (boiling) water 1/4 cup of oil (vegetable, corn, canola, etc) 1.6 lb UltraBee pollen substitute Add sugar and HOT water to mixing bowl, add oil, then as it mixes slowly add the pollen substitute. Mix well and store in an airtight container.
pollen patty recipe | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2007年11月14日 · He mentioned that we need at least 20% protein. From the above recipe, the only three sources of protein are the pollen, egg yokes, and pollen substitute (e.g. brewers yeast). The pollen may have 30% protein, the egg yokes 50%, and brewers yeast less than 50%. I believe I calculated about 15 pounds of pollen substitute in the 100 pound recipe.
How to make a pollen patty | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2005年2月2日 · To make patties, I use a 5 gal bucket with a paint mixer and a drill. Mix honey and water or 1/1 syrup with subsitute pollen till you get soft peanut butter.
Ultra Bee label and pollen patty recipe
2021年5月5日 · robbing cattle feed.Try our pollen substitute feeder that holds 34 pounds (15.4 kg) of dry feed. Visit our website at www.mannlakeltd.com for details! Feeding In Patty Form: Makes approximately 50 pounds (22.7 kg) of patty material. Combine 12 pounds (5.4 kg) of granulated sugar with 20 pounds or 1.73 gallons (9.1 kg or 6.5 L) of HFCS, Medium ...
Need recipe for pollen patties using Bee Pro
2013年3月14日 · March here in northwest Ohio has not been very kind either. Only a few days for the bees to fly and collect some willow pollen. Very little pollen has come in from Skunk Cabbage. Red maples have not broken bud, so no pollen from them. Looks like your winter has been brutal. I was out feeding pollen supplement patties to hives most of the afternoon.
Pollen patty recipe | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2007年8月31日 · By adding more or less sugar syrup you can make softer or harder patties. The most important ingredient is the pollen. Without the pollen the bees will not eat the pattie. Good luck! Pollen Pattie Recipe Ingredients: 2 - 5 gallon buckets of sugar syrup fill to 4" from top 40 oz. of pollen 50 lbs brewers' yeast Mix for 3 minutes.
Making Pollen Patties..Brewers Yeast - Beesource Beekeeping …
2016年2月18日 · Lauri's Protein Patty Recipe:-25# cane sugar-2 quarts cold water-2 quarts apple cider vinegar-1-2 cups olive oil- depending on your desired fat content-a sprinkle of electrolytes & vitamins, about 1 tsp.-about 1 T Citric Acid-about 1 T Ascorbic Acid-splash of Mann Lake Pro health or other essential oil of choice
Winter Patty Recipe - Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2016年12月11日 · Winter Patty Recipe Jump to Latest 19K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by Vance G Dec 12, 2016
Pollen patty recipe | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2015年5月23日 · Here's Lauri Miller's Recipe. Lauri's Protein Patty Recipe:-25# cane sugar-2 quarts cold water-2 quarts apple cider vinegar-1-2 cups olive oil- depending on your desired fat content-a sprinkle of electrolytes & vitamins, about 1 tsp.-about 1 T Citric Acid-about 1 T Ascorbic Acid-splash of Mann Lake Pro health or other essential oil of choice
Ultra Bee Powder patty recipe | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
2018年1月21日 · Here is the recipe scaled down if anybody wants to use a 10lb pail of dry pollen sub to make it. 6 Pounds, 12 Ounces Water 16 Pounds, 12 Ounces Sugar 2 Cups, 6 Tablespoons, 1.25 Teaspoons Vegetable oil 10 Pounds Dry sub