idioms - What is the meaning of "to coin a phrase"? - English …
2024年7月24日 · The second definition is an analogy with the first. When you coin new currency, you make a standardized object (all US quarters are worth the same amount of money, by definition) that other people can use. So when somebody "coined a phrase", they invented a new standard phrase that other people have started using.
Meaning and usage of "as such" - English Language Learners …
Is capacity here means a state then, or a situation? as in in that state, the original origins of the phrase caused it to invoke physical helplessness. or in that situation, the original origins of the phrase caused it to invoke physical helplessness. I'm guessing capacity here doesn't mean position; function; or role then.. –
phrase meaning - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
I understand that the meaning of the phrase “as of” is time related, e.g.: takes effect as of July 1. But while looking up on in Collins Dictionary, I found a use of "as of" that didn't make sense to me. In #13, it says: “as of a statement or action”. The same situation I found in #20: ”as of a mechanical operation”.
Is there a word/phrase that means "first nature"?
2018年3月22日 · I'm aware of the phrase second nature: second nature. a tendency or habit that has become characteristic or instinctive. "deceit was becoming second nature to her" Source. Is there something that means "first nature"? Example sentence: His light, like air, had become __ to her. (Maybe "first nature" is common enough? And applicable in this ...
What is the definition of "in and of..."
In the fields of philosophy and law these have very precise technical meanings, and the combined phrase in and of itself should be left unmodified when used by an expert speaking of matters in those fields. In any other context, in and of itself is a stock phrase adopted probably from legal discourse. It can be reduced to one or the other:
What does the phrase "mercy me" mean?
2020年4月3日 · Here is a dictionary definition: Lexico "mercy" exclamation archaic Used in expressions of surprise or fear. ‘“Mercy me!” uttered Mrs. Garfield’ An etymological note about the word "mercy" and some derived phrases: Etymonline "mercy" As an interjection, attested from mid-13c. (short for may God have mercy, have mercy on me, etc.).
phrase meaning - The definition of “packed to the brim” - English ...
2018年10月18日 · Some searching-result pages give me the prompt of “filled to the brim” but I don't think they share the same meaning. This phrase also occasionally appears on article from The New Yorker so I think...
phrase meaning - What does 'as you were' mean? - English …
It's not the military idiom; instead, it means, essentially, "the weather will continue to be the same as it was last week." In this case "It's as you were" is roughly equivalent to saying "You will be as you were" – i.e., very warm. It's not a reset, it's a continuation, thus, the definition at Collins doesn't apply. At least, that's how I ...
phrase meaning - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2016年7月1日 · I found this definition in the American Heritage Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs: To operate using something as a source of power: This CD player is portable and runs off batteries. There's a whole page dedicated to the explanation of this "glitch" in the movie. As to why it could be "off of", I'm not sure, but I do sometimes come across such ...
meaning - What does the stock phrase "unto itself" mean?
2022年6月3日 · I've looked through several online dictionaries to discover the meaning of the parent phrase "unto itself". But alas, all my efforts at discovering the original definition of the preceding idiomatic phrase are to no avail, as no online dictionary provides me with an …