Most effective wheat farm design? - Minecraft Forum
2015年3月24日 · The glass is to stop you from trampling the wheat. Glass, fence, you need something for this purpose when using half-blocks in your farm. [edit2] [edit]P.S. If you go with lilviepk3z's design [edit2], I'd say put the walkways right next to the waterfalls. It gives you the same crop density, and your wheat won't go in the water.
Multi-level, vertically expandable Wheat farm [3.1!!] - Minecraft …
2011年10月8日 · Automatic Wheat Farm v3.1-----Exciting news everyone After a few hours work, i have created a VASTLY improved version 3.0 of the farm brings much easier expandability and identical redstone circuits Auto Wheat Farm 3.0 (superseded) this new design is capable of yielding over 600 wheat per harvest A few things to note: - DO NOT UNDER ANY ...
Looking for space-efficient wheat farm design - Minecraft Forum
2011年8月23日 · I think I have developed a design that I will use. It takes up three vertical spaces per floor. You can't walk on the crops. The glowstone is directly above the crops on each floor. It yields 39 wheat blocks per floor. It would have been 40, but a wheat block had to be sacrificed for the ladder. Here is a top-down view of the wheat and walkways.
Compact All-In-One tree/sugar/wheat farm. - Minecraft Forum
2018年2月11日 · Now, this is an incredibly useful thing in it's own right, and I figured I'd bold that for anybody who didn't know and doesn't like reading intros before looking at pretty pictures :wink.gif: But, when incorporated into the tree farm design I had, this lets you have a space saving wheat/sugar/tree farm! Pictures for setup below!
Wheat Farm Designs - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2012年8月4日 · I whipped this up in creative mode. It'll fit exactly within your 16x16 area, and conveniently funnels wheat to the entrance of the bottom (activated by a lever that, since 1.3, we can now place on the underside of a block; seen in the first screenshot and barely in …
Tutorial: Automatic Wheat Farm - Videos - Minecraft Forum
2011年7月25日 · Hans farm is 31 wheat, and this one is 160. I know that I can harvest and replant this in less than half that time that it takes you to harvest and replant 5 spirals. The one thing that I did like about my old method (and Hans' method to a lesser extent) was the ability to lean against the wall of wheat that I was harvesting or planting.
How best to light a wheat farm? - Minecraft Forum
2011年6月26日 · I've counted the spots for seeds to be planted and there's 199 in a continuous row that you can hold the mouse button down on. The water will be buried just underneath, and the walls bounce the seeds and wheat at you. This is based off of the famous Hans Lemurson spiral design. Would it work for me to line the walking path with torches?
Efficient 16x16 Wheat+Sugar Cane Farm - Minecraft Forum
2011年4月26日 · A water block underneath the middle chest provides water to the wheat. The sand, small chests and furnace provide a wall for easily harvesting the wheat. Another row of wheat on the other side along with the workbench, some additional chests and a furnace. The visible water under the furnace is an infinite water source. Here we look down the ...
(Does it Exist)*FULLY* Automatic Wheat Farm? - Minecraft Forum
2016年4月15日 · Very simple. I did this in survival on a decent size field, expecting I would need multiple farmers, but it turns out a single farmer is able to harvest a very high rate of wheat and seeds. After collection, I'm sorting the wheat and seeds (and dumping the overflow, mostly seeds, into lava). Anyway, yes, fully automatic wheat farm and very simple.
Automatic Wheat Farm - 75 wheat per minute! - Minecraft Forum
2014年4月2日 · GenerikB made a full-auto wheat farm yielding 60 wheat per minute. I found a way to make his design smaller and faster, and this is the result. This site works best with JavaScript enabled.