Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
2025年3月6日 · Even so, researchers still lack a flexible, comprehensive and modularized R package to analyze and manage the data fast and easily. Based on this background, we …
microeco | An R package for data analysis in microbial community …
Though there has been a lot of R packages in this filed, it is still difficult to perform data mining fast, efficiently and comprehensively. Therefore, we created R microeco package (abbreviated …
Chapter 3 Basic class | Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0)
R package file2meco (https://chiliubio.github.io/microeco_tutorial/file2meco-package.html) is designed to directly read the output files of some famous tools into microtable object. …
Chapter 2 Introduction | Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0)
The microeco package has several advantages compared to other packages in R. The primary objective behind the development of this package is to assist users in rapidly analyzing …
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
In this section, we use the example data in file2meco package (https://chiliubio.github.io/microeco_tutorial/file2meco-package.html) to demonstrate the …
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
Please also see https://chiliubio.github.io/microeco_tutorial/intro.html#tax4fun2 for downloading ncbi-blast and Ref99NR/Ref100NR. For windows system, ncbi-blast-2.5.0+ is recommended …
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
Here, we continue to use the aplot and microeco packages to demonstrate how to add boxplots of coordinate scores to PCoA graphs. Similar combination graphs can be easily manipulated, so …
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) Chapter 11 meconetcomp package To facilitate microbial co-occurrence network comparison, R package meconetcomp ( …
Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0) - GitHub Pages
Many methods in microeco package can be used not only for the traditional species abundance data, i.e. species-sample table, but also for other data, such as metagenomic data. HUMAnN ( …
Chapter 15 Pipeline | Tutorial for R microeco package (v1.13.0)
The microeco package has fully supported pipelining operations since version 1.12.0. Based on the characteristics of R6 class objects, pipelining operations can be performed using the $ …