Original Lishi Tools | Quality Tools Made by a Locksmith for …
Introducing the brand new Original Lishi SIP16 2-In-1 Pick. This tool can pick and decode all vehicle locks that utilize the Silca HU36 keyway.
Homepage | Original Lishi Tools
Lishi 2-In-1 Tools are a time saving way to open locked cars or make replacement keys. Each tool is inserted into a vehicle lock and used to pick the lock to a position where it traps the wafers. The wafer depth can then be read to determine the cuts for a replacement key. Learn More
Using The Original Lishi KW-1 2-In-1 Pick | Original Lishi Tools
A Step-By Step Guide on How to Properly Use Your Original Lishi Tools KW1 2-In-1 Pick. The Original Lishi Tools KW1 2-In-1 Pick is very unique and is used differently than its automotive counterparts. The design of the KW1 functions more closely …
2-In-1 Tools - Original Lishi
2-In-1 Tools combine the ability to pick and then decode the cut depths of vehicle locks. Each tool corresponds to a particular keyway utilized by various automotive manufacturers worldwide. As such, there are approximately 100 2-In-1 Tools currently available.
What are Lishi Tools - Original Lishi
With 2-In-1 tools, users can first pick and then decode lock wafer depths. These tools are available in approximately 100 different version to correspond to the many different automotive keyways that are in use today.
The SC1 2-In-1 Pick | Original Lishi Tools
This tool works with any 5 pin lock using a SC keyway even if it has spool and master pins. This is the next in a new series of residential and commercial picks and readers.
Lishi Tools – Full List - Original Lishi
Tibbi Premium Pick Set Tibbi 8 Cut Pick Tool Bag Containing 24 Tools Vice. Readers. B106 F038 CY24 GM39 V.3 HU66 HU92 NSN14. Motorcycle Readers. HON71 KW14 V.2 SU14 V.2 YH35R V.2. Download the complete product list. Lishi Leather Case Labels. Download the Leather Tool Case Labels in Portrait Orientation . Download the Leather Tool Case Labels ...
The KW1 2-In-1 | Original Lishi Tools
This tool works with any 5 pin lock using a KW1 keyway even if it has spool pins. This is the first in a new series of residential and commercial picks and readers.
The SAR21R 2-In-1 Pick - Original Lishi
The SAR21R is the latest tool in the Original Lishi Commercial/Residential range. It provides a way to pick and decode Sargent locks that utilize the LA keyway. Tool Specifications
Original Lishi/Mr. Li’s Tools Complete Tool List Revised 8.13.18 Readers B106 F038 CY24 GM39 V.3 HU66 HU92 NSN14 Motorcycle Readers HON71 KW14 V.2 SU14 V.2 YH35R V.2 Accessories Case V.2 Flip Key Vise Tibbi Premium Pick Set Tibbi 8 Cut Pick Tool Bag Containing 24 Tools Vice . L/SH/ L/SH/ Author: Christy Created Date: