Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs
2024年11月14日 · (Fearless Buccaneer lightsaber and dualsaber) (Left is default colors. Metallic Gray/Chrome White and Chrome White/Metallic Gray dyes have been applied in the second and third panels) (Long hair customization. This specific hairstyle will be free for all players!) The Master the Fight: Starbolt Edition Bundle will be dropping November 15th!
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Ashara Zavros. Species: Togruta Age: 20 Masters: Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera Romance: Yes Intelligent and eager to prove herself, the Jedi Padawan Ashara Zavros is the latest in a long and storied family lineage of Force-adepts.
Free | Star Wars: The Old Republic
Do you prefer the elegance of a lightsaber, or the reliability of a good blaster by your side? Choose from one of eight iconic roles and make your mark on the galaxy! Explore Planets. Hoth, Tatooine, Alderaan, and over twenty other unique and vibrant planets offer exciting exploration and thrilling adventures around every corner! Multiplayer ...
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Allows the Sentinel to master the Ataru Lightsaber form to rapidly dispatch enemies. Blade Rush. Instant. Range: 4m Strikes the target with both weapons for 647-729 weapon damage and automatically triggers an Ataru Form strike. For 6 seconds after using Blade Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra 30% chance to be triggered. Requires two Lightsabers.
Game Update 6.3.2 - Star Wars: The Old Republic
There are no longer visual issues when equipping the Tulak Hord lightsaber with certain crystals. The Force Bound Headgear is no longer missing voice modulation. Corrected a typo in the tooltip of Tau Idair’s Holo decoration. Paxton Rall's decoration's imaginary assault cannon was taken away, and as a result he now sulks around the Stronghold.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and mind into perfect harmony. Combining the foresight of the Force with unrivaled reflexes and practiced physical precision, the Knight turns combat into an art form, gracefully executing acrobatic feats in tandem with elegant lightsaber tactics.
Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs
2024年12月10日 · Fearless Buccaneer Lightsaber . Fearless Buccaneer Dualsaber . Fearless Buccaneer themed weapons (Fearless Buccaneer Vibroblade, Vibrostaff, Pistol, Assault Cannon, Sniper Rifle, Blaster Rifle. Weapons sold separately) Customizations. Half long, half short (Half long, half short. Comes with slightly highlighted strand) Braidhawk
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Damage - Vengeance and Rage Juggernauts are capable of quickly tearing through enemies with a single swipe of their Lightsaber, causing massive damage all across the battlefield. Marauder Wielding two sabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders slice through enemy ranks, dealing death with merciless efficiency.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
When you’re playing alone, the role you select will determine the entire experience. If you choose to play as a Jedi Knight, you’ll be playing through a Jedi Knight storyline, you will fight your enemies with a Lightsaber and by using the Force. Each Class is represented with a visual icon at the bottom of your game window.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
– the ability to seek out imbued items like Lightsaber crystals and ancient artifacts Bioanalysis – the practice of collecting genetic material from creatures and plants Scavenging – the art of recovering useful materials and parts from old or damaged technology Slicing