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Optical lattice - Wikipedia
An optical lattice is formed by the interference of counter-propagating laser beams, creating a spatially periodic polarization pattern. The resulting periodic potential may trap neutral atoms via the Stark shift. Atoms are cooled and congregate at the potential extrema (at maxima for blue-detuned lattices, and minima … 展开
There are two important parameters of an optical lattice: the potential well depth and the periodicity.
Control of potential depth
The potential experienced … 展开The trapping potential experienced by atoms in an optical dipole trap is weak, generally below 1 mK. Thus atoms must be cooled significantly before loading them into the optical lattice. Cooling techniques used to this end include magneto-optical traps, 展开
The trapping mechanism is via the Stark shift, where off-resonant light causes shifts to an atom's internal structure. The effect of the Stark shift is to create a potential proportional to the … 展开
Once cooled and trapped in an optical lattice, the atoms can be manipulated or left to evolve. Common manipulations involve the "shaking" of the optical lattice by varying the relative … 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Lightsheet 光片显微镜是什么?主要应用在哪些领域 …
1. LSFM 简介和原理: 优势:提供了高三维空间分辨率、高信噪比、快速成像获取速率,并且对样本的光毒性和光损伤效应极小。 原理:通过创建一个与检测轴正交的薄激发光片来照亮样本的一个平面,从而减少了样本的光暴露,降低了光 …
Optical Lattices: Webs of Light - National Institute of Standards …
Lattice light-sheet microscopy - Wikipedia
光学晶格 (Optical lattice) 这个领域目前的发展如何,有 …
据我所知,目前Optical lattice技术主要应用于冷却原子,用于人造低温极限。 但是我比较了解的是Optical lattice在生物医学光子学领域的应用。 2005年,Eric Betzig教授发表了论文(Excitation strategies for optical lattice
有图有真相系列之晶格光片超分辨显微镜 - 知乎专栏
2022年1月9日 · 本期,我们的主角是: Lattice LightSheet—晶格光片超分辨显微镜。 生命的精彩之处在于其不断的变化。 随着显微镜的发展,人们能从越来越小的尺度上观察到这个变化的过程。 曾几何时由于光学衍射极限的存在,显微镜…
前沿显微成像技术专题之:光片显微镜(2) - 知乎专栏
前沿 显微成像技术 专题又和大家见面啦!上一期我们简单介绍了 光片荧光显微镜 的一些基本知识,光片显微镜的诞生大大拓展了生命科学的研究视野,但它也有一些需要克服的天生缺陷和技术难点。本期就让我们从这里开始,一步步追寻 …
Lattice Light Sheet | Teledyne Vision Solutions
As described by Eric Betzig, lattice light sheet creates ultrathin light sheets from 2D optical lattices (see Fig.3) that allows for 4D imaging of hundreds of samples at sub-second intervals and super-resolution levels.
Lattice Light Shift Evaluations in a Dual-Ensemble Yb Optical …
ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 - ZEISS Vision Care
ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 makes light sheet fluorescence microscopy available for live cell imaging at subcellular resolution – while also allowing you to use your standard sample carriers.