If someone uses your SSN to get a job, the employer may report that person’s income to the IRS using your SSN. When you file your tax return, you won’t include those earnings. IRS records …
My significant FTC moment came when I realized I was in the best job of my lifetime. It happened in November 1995, four months into my new job as Deputy Director of BCP. I realized I had …
3 placed on a consumer’s credit file. Upon seeing a fraud alert display on a consumer’s credit file, a business is required to take steps to verify the consumer’s identity before
Online ads can be silly, fun, and interactive. But their job is serious: to sell products. Video of an animated online ad showing boy and girl stick figures. Smell lines appear above the boy's …
Or maybe you find a job online. They send your first paycheck and ask you to give some of it to a “supplier” or “client.” Or they say you’ve won a prize, lottery or sweepstakes. They send you …
Did someone promise you a job – if you pay them? Never pay anyone who promises you a job, a certificate that will get you a job, or secret access to jobs. Those are scams. Did the IRS call …
work at home job opportunities, and credit repair. Brandon N. McCarthy has been an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, since 2007, and is currently in …
A few weeks later, Rafael has a new job. And things are starting to look up. 12 How’s your new job going, honey? We got the new student loan statement. I’m so glad you went to see Mrs. …