Will Christ’s Second Coming be in 2027? - Verse By Verse Ministry
Only after the Antichrist signs a covenant with Israel may we calculate the date of the Lord's return, since Daniel 9 tells us that the return of Christ will happen exactly seven years after this covenant is enacted.
Can Christ Return in 2027 - Salvation1
In such case, if Christ is to return in the Fall of 2027, then we need to count back literal 1260 days (see chapter on Daniel 12:7) and literal 1335 days (Daniel 12:12). As a result, in both cases this application would lead us to early 2024 (with a 2.5-month difference) possibly indicating the end-time events such as the Sunday Law enforcement ...
1. We arrived at the same year (2027) and day (the Day of Atonement) for the end of the Present Age using two techniques: the 7000 year plan of God understood by ancient Rabbis and a unique, Hebraic-based interpretation of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) . 2. Ending the Present Age on the Fall Feast of the
Is Jesus coming in 2027, 2028 or 2031 - Thirdangelsmessage.com
2020年4月2日 · When Daniel pleaded to know the times, God gave Him the exact time of Christ first coming (Daniel 9), but when the disciples asked they did not get a time prophecy but a series of signs to look for. Jesus then ends by telling them that He didn’t know Himself even the exact time, nor the angels.
Timing of Christ’s Return – Highway to Holiness
2010年8月2日 · Jesus should return at the last trumpet (shofar) of the Feast of Trumpets (Day of Blowing) = September 21, 2028 (Tishrei 1, 5789). Jubilee should take place on the Day of Atonements = September 30, 2028 (Tishrei 10, 5789).
The Possible Year of Second Coming in 2027 AD, the
2017年10月8日 · The appointed times in the book of Daniel accurately predicted the first coming of Jesus 490 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem around 457 BC, so knowing the approximate year of the return of the Lord is related to understanding these appointed times in Daniel and in the Law of God.
The Jubilee Hypothesis - Return to God
The Jubilee Hypothesis is based on the reckoning of Jubilee years and on direct revelation of two key Scriptures with respect to the Year of Jubilee: Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 and the restoration of Israel in Joel 2:12-18.
What are your thoughts on the 6000 year theory? And Jesus' return ...
To be fair to Veith, he has never said Jesus will return between 2027 and 2031. All he said was 2027 lines up with 6000 years of sin here, and he emphasised that the Bible teaches that there is apparent delay as well as Christ’s return happening sooner than people think.
Ten reasons Jesus is returning sooner than you think - God …
2021年9月7日 · Another clue to the return of Christ is contained in Daniel 12:11-12: “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. Blessed is he who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335.”
Signs and Prophecies of Jesus’ Return - DivineNarratives
2024年12月13日 · Daniel’s visions of the “Ancient of Days” and the “Son of Man” have been linked to the messianic expectations that Christians believe will be fulfilled in Jesus’ return. As we navigate through the complexities of 2023, many eyes turn to current events, searching for signs that align with ancient prophecies about the end times.