illustrated fairy tales
I am a professor in cultural studies and literature with a specialist interest in old and new fairy tales of the folkloric genre in both preliterate and literate societies. My first wife was Lady Agness de Beaufort who was a highly respected writer and illustrator of short fairy tales. Sadly, she died in a yachting accident in St Tropez, France.
puss in boots - illustrated fairy tales
The oldest known versions of 'Puss-in-Boots' are by Giovanni Francesco in his 'The Facetious Nights of Straparola' (c. 1550-53), by Giambattista Basile in his 'Cagliuso' (1634) and finally by Charles Perrault in his 'Histoires ou Contes du temps passe' (1697).Perrault's version was known as 'The Master Cat' (Le Maître chat). The illustration opposite …
Sketches - Illustrated
The pages below are facsimiles from the May 1875 edition of the children's magazine St Nicholas which was edited by Mary Mapes Dodge. It is the first known printed version of the fairy tale 'The Gingerbread Boy' that had been orally passed down the generations. There is no accreditation for the accompanying illustrations.
tinder box | illustrated fairy tales
'TheTinder-Box' was written by Hans Christian Andersen with a nod to the Scandinaivan folk tale 'The Spirit in the Candle', The story appeared as part of a collection of tales in the second volume of Andersen's 'Fairy Tale and Stories' published in 1863.
struwwelpeter | illustrated fairy tales
A compilation of stories and illustrations by Dr Heinrich Hoffmann published in 1845. Struwwelpeter or Shock-headed Peter is one story.. When the children have been good, That is, be it understood, Good at meal-times, good at play, Good all night and good all day— They shall have the pretty things Merry Christmas always brings.