Hurricane Hanna (2008) - Wikipedia
Hurricane Hanna was a moderately powerful but deadly tropical cyclone that caused extensive damage across the Western Atlantic, mostly in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the East …
Hurricane Hanna - September 6, 2008 - National Weather Service
2008年9月6日 · The storm was the eighth tropical cyclone and fourth hurricane of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season. It formed east-northeast of the northern Leeward Islands on August …
飓风汉娜 (2008年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
飓风汉娜(英語: Hurricane Hanna )是2008年大西洋颶風季中,第八個被命名的熱帶氣旋。 該風暴是在8月28日,於 背風群島 之東北形成。 同日,它增強為一熱帶風暴並被命名為汉 …
飓风汉娜 (2008年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
飓风汉娜(英语: Hurricane Hanna )是2008年大西洋飓风季中,第八个被命名的热带气旋。 该风暴是在8月28日,于 背风群岛 之东北形成。 同日,它增强为一热带风暴并被命名为汉 …
Tropical Storm Hanna - September 4-7, 2008 - Weather …
Tropical Storm Hanna - August 31-September 7, 2008 Several days after emerging offshore the coast of Africa, an area of low pressure formed near a tropical wave, accompanied by …
Hanna was a tropical cyclone that was briefly a hurricane over the Caicos Islands. Hanna also made landfall in the United States as a strong tropical storm near the border between North …
September 2008 Tropical Cyclones Report | National Centers for ...
Hanna was officially the eighth named tropical cyclone of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season on August 28. Influenced by Hurricane Gustav's circulation, Hanna drifted to the south from …
Hurricane Hanna and Hurricane Ike 2008 | EKACDM - University …
First, Tropical Storm Hanna hit the island over an extended number of days from Sunday 31 August to Wednesday 3 September 2008. The path of this system was erratic and it effectively …
Hurricane HANNA Advisory Archive - National Hurricane Center
2008年8月28日 · Hurricane HANNA Advisory Archive. Graphics Archive. Forecast Advisories Public Advisories Discussions Wind Speed Probabilities; Thursday August 28, 2008: 1: 0900 …
Hurricane HANNA
hanna is a category one hurricane on the saffir-simpson scale. some additional strengthening is forecast during the next 24 hours. hurricane force winds extend outward up to 70 miles...110 …