word usage - "Good night" vs "goodnight" (vs "good-night")
2012年3月26日 · Looking at the ngrams of both, good night has a more frequent use. Goodnight has only appeared recently, suggesting that it has been introduced – but is correct to use. I …
Is 'Night an acceptable informal variant of "Good Night"?
2016年12月29日 · The spoken use of "night" as an informal, familiar version of "good night" (wishing one a restful sleep) is common, but I'm not sure what the proper written equivalent is …
Origin of "good night" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
might seem like another possible explanation of "good", but the mention that good bye is influenced by good day and good evening immplies that these were already established, which …
Alternatives to "Good Night" when sleeping in the afternoon
The connotation of good night with sleep is out of usage. It just is a shortened form of "May you have a good night." So if someone were to sleep at 1 PM, the parting phrase could be . Good …
What is an appropriate greeting to use at night time?
2013年1月21日 · "Good night" as a greeting was once a feature found almost exclusively in Ireland. In James Joyce's "The Dead", for example, it is used both as greeting: —O, Mr …
phrases - Why is "Good Night!" dismissive - English Language
"Good night," on the other hand, tends to be used as a farewell rather than a greeting. To some extent, I suspect this is a psychological matter: even though we often use "night" as a …
phrases - "Good night" or "good evening"? - English Language
2011年2月18日 · "Good night" as a greeting was once commonly found in Ireland, but almost exclusive to there. In James Joyce's "The Dead", for example, it is used both as greeting: —O, …
politeness - Should I say "have a good night" at 5:00 PM? - English ...
I would not say "Have a good night" except perhaps to somebody I was expecting to stay awake all night. "Have a good evening" would be more suitable for those going to sleep at sensible …
single word requests - Precise names for parts of a day - English ...
"Good night" as noted by yourself means to have a good night's sleep, so "Good Evening" is used instead. "Evening" lasts from after Afternoon(4 p.m.) till after sunset, depending on where you …
word usage - It is acceptable to say 'Good night, sir. Have you ...
2015年11月24日 · OED does indicate that “Good night” can be used as a greeting, but it’s unusual (and certainly in BrE, it would be unusual to the point of downright oddity): a. …