Golisopod Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Golisopod is sometimes accompanied by Wimpod. Sword: It will do anything to win, taking advantage of every opening and finishing opponents off with the small claws on its front legs. Shield: They live in sunken ships or in holes in the seabed. When Golisopod and Grapploct battle, the loser becomes the winner’s meal.
Golisopod | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
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What is a good moveset for Golisopod? - PokéBase Pokémon …
2017年1月4日 · First Impression provides Golisopod with a strong priority move that can revenge kill opposing Pokemon, as well as being able to deal with things such as Zarude and Weavile. (Keep in mind First Impression works on the first turn whenever Golisopod is out, hence the name First Impression) Taunt stops slower Pokemon such as Specially Defensive ...
Golisopod - Generation 7 learnset - Pokémon Database
Golisopod's egg groups: Bug, Water 3. The egg moves for Golisopod are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. You will need to breed a female Golisopod with a compatible male Pokémon, with either parent (from Gen 6+) knowing the egg move in question. Alternatively, if you already have a Golisopod with the egg move ...
Golisopod | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Golisopod strategies and details for competitive Pokemon gaming in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex.
Pokémon - Golisopod | Smogon Forums
2016年11月18日 · Golisopod also gets strong boosting moves like Bulk Up and Swords Dance, which are hard to pull off but still important to note, and having semi-reliable recovery in the form of the newly-buffed STAB Leech Life is fantastic for this monster. Sadly, Golisopod's speed is utter garbage, at base 40.
Is Golisopod worth all the training? - PokéBase Pokémon Answers
2018年6月6日 · However, you still need to catch wimpod and Golisopod to get the shiny charm, so you have to train that sucker someday (also, Wimpod/Golisopod is cool, just not very strong :P). Imo, game freak should've game them HA and allowed them to have such ability in an event release (probably overcoat/battle armor/adaptability) :P
Golisopod generation 9 move learnset (Scarlet, Violet)
This page lists all the moves that Golisopod can learn in Generation 9, which consists of these games: Pokémon Scarlet; Pokémon Violet; Note: many moves have changed stats over the years. The power, accuracy and other information listed below is as it …
SM OU Big Cuddly Boy Team (Golisopod OU) - Smogon University
2018年2月10日 · With proper support, the goal of this team is to allow the cute and cuddly Golisopod to pick off weakened foes once steel types and Tapu Lele have been removed. I'm completely open to any criticism. Thanks for reading! Import below: Cuddly Boy (Golisopod) (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Emergency Exit EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature
UU - Golisopod | Smogon Forums
2020年2月28日 · Golisopod's best teammates appreciate its defensive utility, ability to set hazards and revenge kill opposing offensive Pokemon. Fluff you mention all of this in the opening line anyways. Noivern appreciates Golisopod's ability to take Ice-type attacks and threaten Mamoswine, one of its most prominent revenge killers.