What is the difference between GPS, GNSS and RNAV?
2016年6月8日 · GNSS is an umbrella term that encompasses GPS as well as other nations' satellite systems that achieve essentially the same capability RNAV is the aircraft capability …
gnss - How is "quantum technology" thought to provide a …
2025年3月6日 · GNSS positioning is a standard surveying technique, except an old-style national datum has a network of control points with known coordinates on the ground and processes by …
gnss - What are satellite time, GPS time, and UTC time? - Aviation ...
2021年12月18日 · It would appear that at least these two GNSS providers reference back to UTC. UTC itself is derived from TAI (International Atomic Time), which is itself based on a weighted …
gnss - Difference between accuracy, integrity, availability, …
2024年2月23日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
gnss - Why don't planes (mostly airliners) primarily use GPS for ...
2023年9月16日 · Some regulations recommend low end-to-end latency. AC 20-165 for ADS-B recommends total measurement-to-transmission latency of less than 2 seconds, and …
gnss - If a GPS displays the correct time, can I trust the calculated ...
2023年6月27日 · Even the PPS output from consumer devices can be wildly out- 10s of mSec- when compared with a precision source (aggregate of multiple GNSS constellations, or an …
gnss - What is the difference between SBAS and SBAS PA mode …
2023年7月17日 · We have a Collins FMS, and in the GNSS control page it tells you what mode it is operating in. In the instance that I checked it, it said " SBAS PA". The flight manual said that …
gnss - How does Kalman filtering work in inertial navigation …
2017年3月10日 · A Kalman filter is used on all kinds of IRU's and INS's, even with airspeed information as in an ADIRU. A Kalman filter is just a general method (and a very useful one) …
gnss - What are the lateral sensitivities of GPS approaches?
2017年9月13日 · What are the lateral sensitivities of each of the WAAS and LNAV approach? Is the lateral sensitivity of WAAS the same as that of the localizer, which is 3 to 6 degrees? What …
gnss - how can I verify the aircraft GPS is what TSO? - Aviation …
2024年6月24日 · My understanding is that TSO-C 129() equipment and TSO-C 196() equipment are RAIM, and TSO-C145() and TSO-C146() are WAAS.