Greek Alphabet | The Greek Alphabet, Greek Letter, Greek …
Greek Letters today are used for writing modern greek and symbols in mathematics and science. The Greek alphabet has its origin in the Phoenician alphabet and in turn gave rise to the Gothic, Glagolitic, Cyrillic, Coptic, and Latin alphabets. Read more on each of the 24 Greek alphabet letters by clicking below:
Ancient Greek Alphabet - Greece.com
The Greek alphabet initially adopted all 22 letters of the Phoenician alphabet, some of them in different ways, while new letters were also introduced. Greek was originally written from right to left, just like Phoenician, but scribes were free to choose the direction of their liking.
Greek Letter Alpha | Άλφα - Α | Greece.com
A is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and it derives from the Egyptian hieroglyphic for a horned ox's head, by way of the semitic "aleph", which today doesn't look at all ox-like. Contemporary "A", like its Greek ancestor, has the horns pointed downward.
Greek Alphabet Song - Greece.com
The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, many of which are identical or similar to those of the Latin alphabet used in the English language. Some of the alphabet songs available for the Greek language are listed below.
Greek Letter Beta | Βήτα - Β | Greece.com
Greek Letter Beta (Βήτα - Β) " Beta " is supposed to be the picture of a house, with two stories. " Beta " has the same ancestors with "Beth", Hebrew for "house", given to many Jewish congregations.
Greek Letter Gamma | Γάμα - Γ | Greece.com
This letter passed into the Latin alphabet in this position in a curved form as "C". The Etruscans did not distinguish between the "g" and "k" sounds, so Greek gamma came to have the "k" sound in Latin.
Greek Letter Phi | Φι - Φ | Greece.com
By custom, the Greek origin of a word is indicated by using the "ph" letter-pair. The Greeks made up this letter and the remaining three, and added them to the end of their alphabet. "Φ" Letter in mathematics and in science
Greek Letter Delta | Δέλτα - Δ | Greece.com
"Delta" was supposed to be a door, in Semitic "Daleth". It became tilted and one side rounded as the latin "D". The mouth of a river and maybe other triangular things are known as "deltas".
Greek Letter Iota | Γιώτα - Ι | Greece.com
Greek Letter Iota (Γιώτα - Ι) Lower-case "ι", is a simple mark for a simple sound. In English "short i" is hard for many non-English-speakers to learn to say.
Greek Letter Tau | Ταυ - Τ | Greece.com
Greek Letter Tau (Ταυ - Τ) Greek and Latin "T", is taken from the Semitic languages which used a cross. Interestingly, some of the early Christian writers thought this letter has a special correlation with the Cross.