What is FSEL? (as opposed to ALT) re: raspi-gpio
2023年6月7日 · What's weird is that having ALT0 as FSEL value 4 to ALT3 as FSEL value 7 initially feels entirely reasonable, but once ALT4 and ALT5 are added, with ALT5 having a …
Developping basic GPIO device driver for RPI 5
2024年9月5日 · Hello everyone, i was trying to develop a module that will directly manipulate the SoC registers to achieve some kind of output, for now i was following a tutorial that was using …
GPIO Registers - Raspberry Pi Forums
2017年4月26日 · 16.2. The FSEL{n} field determines the functionality of the nth GPIO pin. All unused alternative function lines are tied to ground and will output a “0” if selected. All pins …
PWM driver questions - Raspberry Pi Forums
2024年2月27日 · @aBUGSworstnightmare It would have been considerate to make it clear that "BCM2835_FSEL_ALT0" and "4" are equivalent - you make it appear like a significant change. …
Using PIN17 as UART RTS / alternative GPIO functions
2012年12月16日 · bcm2835_gpio_fsel(17, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT3); using the bcm2835 C library and afterwards tried doing the communication with Python and pyserial, but it didn't …
undefined reference???? - Raspberry Pi Forums
2016年2月17日 · You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Trouble getting GPIO12 to go high - Raspberry Pi Forums
2022年11月22日 · I thought maybe I had the wrong fsel setting but it seems to match what I see for gpio26. But even here you can see the level always stays low for some reason. The output …
[SOLVED] Setting default value for GPIO43 - Raspberry Pi Forums
2020年4月30日 · $ raspi-gpio get 43 GPIO 43: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT Would be still interesting to figure out why that pin is set to function 0x4 at some point. But I guess that's a …
Question about error when running example code
2016年8月12日 · Mn1 wrote:Please try to link the object code with proper library.
Overlay to have LED trigger functionalities on generic GPIO
2012年7月30日 · I've already did the BCM2835_FSEL_ALT5<->2 trick mentioned by @PhilE, after noticing the errors from on-system dtbo generation. Anyway, thanks for pointing out. As …