How to install mods manually from Paradox Mods? Descriptor.mod?
2020年9月25日 · When I download a mod manually from the Paradox Mods site, I receive a zip file with a descriptor.mod file and a folder structure that mirrors the game folder structure. I …
This mod is missing the descriptor file - Paradox Interactive Forums
2020年2月20日 · Well, the problem seems to lie with the legacy mods. Once I added them again, I get duplicate entries and of course the "missing descriptor file". I guess I'll just cancel the …
Mod Missing Descriptor File | Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年7月3日 · I installed a mod, checked if there was a ugc file created in the Documents/ParadoxInteractive/eu4/mod and there was a ugc file, I closed the game turned …
All my mods are somehow missing descriptor files - please help!
2022年5月4日 · I've been having a nightmare of a time trying to get mods to work in the CK3 launcher for some days. They give the warning in he title. If they work after I follow the formula …
If I lose my original descriptor file, how do I restore it in order to ...
2022年9月24日 · Reinstall the game. I dont know whether checking the state of the game files will automatically repair the user files. There is a lot of data in Documents/Paradox …
This mod is missing a descriptor file error (Steam-Latest Paradox ...
2022年4月15日 · Previously I was playing in Steam offline mode without any issues. When I reinstall the mod, there is no problem, I can play the game with the mod. When I log out of the …
Mods duplicating/"missing descriptor file" - Paradox Interactive …
2021年8月3日 · An update or two ago the format and requirements for the descriptor files changed. Also, any mods that are outdated probably won't work properly any more, so many …
Missing descriptor file in my mod even if there is one
2023年7月7日 · As I open the game launcher and I go to mods, I can't play with my mod because according to the system there is no descriptor file. Another problem I've been experiencing is …
This mod is missing a descriptor file - Paradox Interactive Forums
2020年10月18日 · The mod should provide the descriptor.mod in the download zip for Paradox Mods (or in the workshop folder if you are on Steam). Maybe Daddy Pika updated the mod …
Mods missing descriptor files | Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年9月18日 · I'm having a bit of a problem, some of my mods say they are missing a descriptor file. And now I can't use them, I have looked around the pdx and the steam forums …