Does Decoherence get rid of all Quantumness? - Physics Forums
2020年7月29日 · Specifically, decoherence does not attempt to explain the measurement problem. Rather, decoherence provides an explanation for the transition of the system to a …
What is decoherence? - Physics Forums
2024年4月17日 · In the remainder of the book, this claim is substantiated for a number of model systems, and the decoherence analysis always ends with the establishment of a formula for …
Decoherence in the double slit experiment - Physics Forums
2018年1月5日 · How then does decoherence explain we generally do not see interference patterns - its simply a technological matter - we currently can't do it - but that is not to say we …
Does Decoherence Solve the Measurement Problem Completely
2012年11月21日 · The question is, rather, eg., why was there a detection (as opposed to no detection) recorded during a certain interval. Decoherence can't answer this question, …
Decoherence & collapse of the wavefunction - Physics Forums
2004年3月13日 · However, decoherence shows us that from the moment we get "macroscopic", these interferences disappear due to entanglement with the environment. It seems that …
Decoherence, Coherence, Pure State, Mixed State - Physics Forums
2011年4月10日 · Decoherence has produced classical Earth with definite positions and this classicality is all over the entire universe (which becomes classical) or to put it in another form. …
What does decoherence have to do with phases? - Physics Forums
2022年12月3日 · The connection between decoherence and the measurement problem might be interesting; but is it completely irrelevant for how the concept of decoherence is today used in …
Does "Decoherence" really explain anything? - Physics Forums
2018年10月23日 · "Decoherence" is not just some philosophical add-on to QM as some books would like you to think. It is an integral part of every single real-life experiment and application …
Decoherence vs Observer Wave Function Collapse & MWI: Questions
2023年6月3日 · Decoherence is a process that explains how quantum systems interact with their environment, leading to the apparent collapse of the wave function. It describes how quantum …
Does gravity cause quantum decoherence? - Physics Forums
2023年8月25日 · If you observed such shift, and there was decoherence, that would be strong evidence that gravity is a quantum force. Considering that a photon has its own momentum …