Companding - Wikipedia
In telecommunications and signal processing, companding (occasionally called compansion) is a method of mitigating the detrimental effects of a channel with limited dynamic range. The name is a portmanteau of the words compressing and expanding, which are the functions of a compander at the transmitting and receiving ends, respectively.
Compander | Analog Devices
What is a Compander? Signal processing technique which uses both compression and expansion to improve dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio. A signal is passed through a non-linear transformation prior to transmission. A reverse of this transformation occurs at reception.
Companding - Electronics Coach
Definition: Companding is a technique of achieving non-uniform quantization. It is a word formed by the combination of words comp ression and exp anding. Companding is done in order to improve SNR of weak signals.
Companding: Logarithmic Laws, Implementation, and Consequences
2017年10月30日 · Companding is a portmanteau for a “compressing-expanding” mechanism. It compresses the signals before transmitting on a band-limited channel and expands them when received. During compression, an analog signal is quantized to create a digital signal using unequal steps in order to amplify the quiet sounds while attenuating the loud ones.
Compander - Cryostar
A typical compander is electric motor driven and consists of three compression stages and one expansion stage, mounted on a common gearbox and frame to produce the cold power required for liquefaction processes.
Noise Reduction with Companders – Electric Druid
What’s a “compander”? It’s a simple way to make your circuit quieter! So how does it work? Let’s say we’ve got a fairly noisy effect, like a BBD. The basic idea is that you make quiet signals louder before you put them through the effect, and then you make them quiet again after the effect, and thereby make the noise quieter too.
companding vs expanding-Difference between companding and expanding
At the receiving end, recovered signal is fed to an expander circuit which does the reverse of compander circuit counterpart i.e. it de-emphasize the lower level signals anf emphasize the higher level signals. Hence transmitted signal is recovered back at the receiver. Refer Pre-emphasis VS De-emphasis .
Narrow-band companding - University of California, San Diego
A compander is a tool that amplifies a signal with a variable gain, depending on the signal's measured amplitude. The term is a contraction of ``compressor" and ``expander".
COMPANDER Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
(in a communications path) a combination of a compressor at one point and an expander at another, the compressor reducing the volume of a signal and the expander restoring it.
What is Audio Reference Companding? - Shure
Compander is a contraction of the words compressor and expander, which describe contrary (and in a wireless sense, complementary) dynamics processors. A compressor is employed to reduce the dynamic range of a signal, while an expander increases the dynamic range.
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