All Products - Doppelherz
Discover the product world of Doppelherz! Doppelherz is a brand with a very long tradition, which stands for the power of two hearts. The comprehensive range of products includes high-quality vitamins, minerals as well as special active ingredients.
All Doppelherz system products at a glance
Unlike many other traditional food supplements and medications, Doppelherz system products do not generally consist of just one single active agent, but instead contain vitamins, minerals and other substances (such as omega-3 fatty acids or phytochemicals) that promote good health in a variety of combinations.
Food supplements for your health | Doppelherz
High-quality Doppelherz food supplements enhance our diet when we’re under more pressure or are unable to eat properly. We offer products in the right form for every customer’s unique needs and tastes: tablets and capsules you can easily swallow, micropellets, granulated drink mixes, liquid sticks, liquid products, nasal sprays and eye drops.
德国保健品牌Doppelherz 双心系列产品一览表 - 搜狐
2016年8月3日 · Doppelherz双心儿童深海鱼油咀嚼片每颗含180毫克 DHA和276毫克的EPA5,增强儿童免疫力,抵抗力,提高儿童注意力,促进大脑和视觉发育。 采用清淡的柠檬口味,每天1到2粒,满足宝宝的发育需要。 Doppelherz 双心 人参胶囊 加强型. 内含有丰富人参根粉的活性物质。 特别针对在服用者虚弱,疲惫的情况下,能迅速恢复服用者的精神和体力状况,及对疲倦,注意力不集中等症状,进行保护和调养。 人参根粉对气虚芝倦、食少、泄泻、肺痨咳血、眩晕、潮 …
多寶 雙心 Doppelherz – Munich Stars 德國商城
Doppelherz 多寶 ,創始於1919年,德國化學家Josef Peter Hennes從草藥和其他天然植物中提取了有效成分。 發展至今,”多寶雙心”儼然已經成為保健品市場的先導者。
Doppelherz "双心"是德国著名保健品牌,拥有悠久历史,1919年,德国化学家Josef Peter Hennes从草药和其他天然植物中提取了有效成分,制成双心至今闻名的草本能量调理液(用于心脏功能调理),"双心”的名称也由此而得。
All Products - doppelherz.sg
Doppelherz health products - the product range. Doppelherz is a brand with a very long tradition, which stands for the power of two hearts. The comprehensive range of products includes high-quality vitamins, minerals as well as special active ingredients.
All Doppelherz system products at a glance
High-quality drugs, medical products and nutritional supplements from the pharmacy.
Doppelherz Produktsortiment
Die Marke bietet heute Gesundheitsprodukte für die ganze Familie. Das umfangreiche Sortiment reicht von hochwertigen Vitaminen, über Mineralstoffe bis hin zu speziellen Wirkstoffen. Dabei denken wir bei der Entwicklung unserer Produkte über Inhaltsstoffe und natürlich auch deren Kombinationen nach.
Doppelherz Vitamin & Mineral Supplements - German Drugstore
Doppelherz offers a variety of high-quality vitamins, minerals and special active ingredients for an active and healthy lifestyle. Popular dietary supplements which contain high quality nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, trace elements or certain fatty acids in optimal dosage form the main focus of Doppelherz products.
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