CYLINDRICAL Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CYLINDRICAL is relating to or having the form or properties of a cylinder. How to use cylindrical in a sentence.
Cylinder - Wikipedia
In some areas of geometry and topology the term cylinder refers to what has been called a cylindrical surface. A cylinder is defined as a surface consisting of all the points on all the lines …
CYLINDRICAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Arteries are the cylindrical tubes which carry blood to every part of the system. The eggs are white, slender, and cylindrical. The latter is an air-tight cylindrical or oblong container placed …
Cylindrical - definition of cylindrical by The Free Dictionary
1. a solid shape or object with a circular base and top and straight sides. 2. any of several pieces of machinery of this shape, solid or hollow. The brake cylinder of his car is leaking. cilindro …
CYLINDRICAL Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Axons have long been depicted as smooth and cylindrical, but a new study of mouse neurons challenges that view. This shape enables the tank to withstand a greater amount of pressure …
Cylinder - Shape, Formula, Examples | Faces Vertices Edges
A cylinder is a three-dimensional solid figure which has two identical circular bases joined by a curved surface at a particular distance from the center which is the height of the cylinder. …
Cylindrical Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
a cylindrical oil tank. a cylindrical tower [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. ASK THE EDITOR What is the difference between "knowledge" …
CYLINDRICAL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
CYLINDRICAL definition: of, shaped like, or characteristic of a cylinder | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Cylinder - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In differential geometry, a cylinder is defined more broadly as a ruled surface which is spanned by a one-parameter family of parallel lines. A cylinder whose cross section is an ellipse, parabola, …
What does cylindrical mean? - Definitions.net
Cylindrical refers to the shape or characteristics of a cylinder, which is a three-dimensional geometric figure with two parallel, congruent bases connected by a curved surface. Each base …