CBU-100 Cluster Bomb - Wikipedia
They are an air-launched, conventional free-fall, explosively opened, submunition dispensing, cluster bomb. [1] They deploy 247 Mk 118 Rockeye submunitions, a HEAT bomblet, and …
CBU-100 Cluster Bomb - Military Wiki
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk …
MK20石眼式集束炸彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
cbu-99 和 cbu-100 幾乎相同。 MK20石眼集束炸彈 (制式代號 CBU-99/100 ( 英语 : CBU-100 Cluster Bomb ) ),是一款 美國空軍 開發量產的自由落體 集束炸彈 ,於1963年開始研 …
Cbu 100mk 20 aircraft cluster bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the American CBU-100, (Mk 20), an air-launched, explosively-opened, free-fall, submunition dispensing, cluster-bomb which may be fitted with a Mk 339 Mechanical-Time …
CBU-99 / CBU-100 Rockeye II Cluster Bomb – Preserving our …
I photographed this CBU-99 Rockeye II Cluster Bomb at the Air Force Armory Museum at Eglin AFB in Florida. The CBU-99 and CBU-100 versions are nearly identical, but some resources …
Cluster Bombs - Anft
Cluster Bombs CBU-99 Antitank Bomb Cluster. CBU-78 GATOR, CBU-99 & CBU-100 Rockeye: Weight: Length: Diameter: Suspension Provision: 491 lbs: 92.0 in: 13.2 in: 14.0 in: Click on …
07 Russian FAB-250 M54 General Purpose Bomb
2010年6月24日 · Also called the CBU-100 Cluster Bomb.
About: CBU-100 Cluster Bomb - DBpedia Association
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 222 kg (490 lbs) and carries 247 …
CBU-100 Cluster Bomb - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb ( also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti - tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk …
2020年12月28日 · 该弹是美国于1963年发展的一种大面积反坦克集束炸弹,采用MK6 (美国海军),MK7 (美国空军)弹箱,内装247颗MKI18反坦克小炸弹。 该弹要用于攻击暴露的装甲目标和 …