Borinage - Wikipedia
The Borinage (French pronunciation:) is an area in the Walloon province of Hainaut in Belgium. The name derives from the coal mines of the region, bores, meaning mineshafts. [1] In French, …
Borinage — Wikipédia
Le Borinage est une région belge de la Région wallonne située dans la province de Hainaut, à l'ouest et au sud-ouest de la ville de Mons. Elle s’étend jusqu’à la frontière franco-belge, à …
博里纳日 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
博里纳日(法语: Borinage ,法语发音: )是比利时 瓦隆大区 埃诺省的一个地区,位于蒙斯西部和西南部。 该地区是 瓦隆工业地带 ( 英语 : Sillon industriel ) 和 比利时总罢工 ( 英语 : …
梵高传中的博里纳日,埃顿到底是哪里? - 知乎
博里纳日(Borinage)在比利时西部埃诺省(Hainaut)的瓦隆大区(Walloon),临近法国边境。 省会是蒙斯(Mons)。 从布鲁塞尔坐火车到蒙斯大概要40分钟,开车1小时左右。
Borinage | Mining, Industry, Poverty | Britannica
Borinage, coal-mining and industrial region of southwestern Belgium, Hainaut province, southwest of Mons. Borinage’s development was based on coal extracted from the area since the Middle …
Van Gogh in Borinage | Van Gogh Route
Vincent preached in the Borinage, a Belgian coal-mining area. After failing to gain admission to the next stage of his studies at the Flemish school for evangelists, Vincent left Brussels in …
Borinage | Industriecultuur.be
De Borinage, het oudste steenkoolbekken op het Europese vasteland, was bij het losbarsten van de industriële revolutie het kloppende hart van de steenkoolindustrie in de Waalse provincie …
Borinage | Encyclopedia.com
Borinage (bôrēnäzh´), region, Hainaut prov., S Belgium, surrounding Mons and extending to the French border. Traditionally a coal-mining district, most of the mines have been closed. Glass …
Borinage - Wikiwand
博里纳日(法語: Borinage ,法语发音:[bɔʁinaʒ])是比利时瓦隆大区埃諾省的一个地区,省会蒙斯位于博里纳日的东部。在法语中,博里纳日居民被称为“Borains”。
What does borinage mean? - Definitions.net
Borinage. The Borinage is an area in the Walloon province of Hainaut in Belgium. The provincial capital Mons is located in the east of the Borinage. In French the inhabitants are called …
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