Experienced - 600mg Benadryl High Experience - Bluelight.org
2017年2月7日 · Hey guys. Hope everyone is having a great night. So on this post I want to describe in full detail my experience with high dosages of Benadryl. So let's start from the very beginning. 11:30 pm - I took the little pink pills of Benadryl with each being 25mg. I ended up taking 24 of these so it came out to a total of 600mg.
Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCl) - Bluelight.org
2009年12月17日 · Ok, I'm looking for a quick buzz, not a super trip, and I have read that you can achieve a trip or high from Benadryl. I have the 25mg Diphenhydramine HCl tablets, and was wondering how many would be a safe amount to take for a first time use, and for a decent buzz.
Stimulants - Vyvanse and Benadryl (diphenhydramine) High …
2012年3月13日 · Hi, Im 5'2 130 male average build. Over the course of 2 days I used 290mg of vyvanse with no tolerance to achieve a high which I did. I only used vyvanse twice my whole life. Later today I will be using benadryl recreationaly 500mg^ im just curious if the antihistamine and amphetamines would cause long term or short term or any damage at all.
Benadryl - Diphenhydramine - Bluelight.org
2011年2月21日 · So tonight is night 1, 24 hours after my last oxy dose. I know it is going to be miserable and I am desperate for something that might help me. I know benadryl is supposed to make you tired, but I have also read the horror stories about how terrible a trip on it can be. I want to take enough...
Hydroxyzine used to get high? - Bluelight.org
2007年7月1日 · I have hydroxyzine 25mg with me and I was wondering if I could get high off of them. They say it won't get you high like benadryl but...I got High from benadryl one time and I was hallucinating like crazy! I have some vicodin 750/7.5 and I read that it boosts opiate high. So if I wanted to mix them, how much will I take? I'm 5'4 and 110 pounds.
OTC Drugs to get High - Bluelight.org
2024年2月2日 · Benadryl is like the new DXM I think, in that teens can get it OTC and think that they will get a buzz but as you've said, DXM is a dissociative and has decent qualities (like weak ketamine I suppose) whereas benadryl is a delieriant and that is a class of drugs not to be messed with. I've read of benadryl giving very frightening hallucinations.
First Trip On It - Diphenhydramine trip report (LONG) - Bluelight.org
2017年12月17日 · (This trip report was written a while back, just posting it here as an archive) After a bit of curiosity with this substance for about 2 months, I attempted to take a high enough dosage to feel the delirious effects, full on knowing what I will get into and trying to start small. The dosage that finally worked was 500 mg. This was taken via ...
Meth + Benadryl/comedown - Bluelight.org
2024年6月7日 · I wasn’t attempting to take the Benadryl to get high. I never have, but imagine the “deleriant” dose is much higher than 150mg. I was merely trying to get some sleep. The other thing is I now have a burst of energy, like I’m in speed again . None of these symptoms would alarm me too much if I had been in a 3+ day bender.
DXM and DPH (Benadryl) - Experienced - combo trip report
2017年7月11日 · As for the dph, I took 200 mg worth of those pink Benadryl tabs. This seemed like a decent dose given that I had almost no tolerance to DPH and the DXM should substantially potentiate the effects of the drug anyway. After first hour: Dxm hbr had begun hit and I was feeling super tired from all the Benadryl.
My trip report and information on Benadryl | Bluelight.org
2015年1月30日 · (note: I wrote this yesterday and today is the 23rd, June 2015) So earlier today, at maybe 2 pm, I took a whole 10 25 mg Benadryl pills by myself. I weigh 150 pounds, and it's also really hard to tell the proper dosing of a drug just for it's high.