Deck, porch, patio, balcony? | The Building Code Forum
2012年11月1日 · Balcony: I find this to only be different for structural design purposes. A "balcony" as might be commonly used to describe a small master bedroom deck is really no different than a deck, unless it is a fully cantilevered structure. I find the only reason to differentiate a balcony would be for prescriptive structural design purposes.
CBC exterior 3rd floor balcony egress | The Building Code Forum
2024年10月30日 · the balcony is 2224 sq ft. it is like a area, when the board member take a break during the meeting, can breath some fresh air, or if the board room holding an event, wine tasting, wedding... etc. there is an exterior accessory space next to the board room
Egress Balconies IBC SECTION1021 - The Building Code Forum
2017年3月8日 · Egress from a balcony is not similar to a sidewalk, since a balcony's egress is restricted to what the building provides. It is an outdoor area subject to Section 1004.5. If the roof projects over the balcony, then the area of the balcony is included in the gross floor area of the story and is subject to applicable occupant loads per Table 1004 ...
Receptacles at balconies - The Building Code Forum
2012年1月20日 · A balcony, deck or porch of a certain size requires a receptacle and many configurations below 20 sq. ft. must be included. That is not all inclusive. At a point, the size and or configuration of a balcony, deck or porch renders the space impossible to use. That point should be recognized by the code. What about the deck or porch?
Egress from Balcony back into Building
2009年10月30日 · It's not a corridor -- it's a balcony. The applicant also needs to tell you what the occupancy classification of the second floor is. Then you look in chapter 10 and determine if the proposed balcony qualifies as a space with a single means of egress, and what the maximum exit access travel distance is for the occupancy classification.
Balconies at Type A Dwelling Units | The Building Code Forum
2021年3月30日 · Are there any accessibility requirements for balconies for a Type A dwelling unit? I was thinking at the very least that I need a turning radius, but I'm not seeing anything in the 2020 Minnesota Accessibility Code under Section 1002.3.2. A balcony is NOT a room so it shouldn't be needed, correct? 1002.3.2 Turning space.
Balcony Drainage - The Building Code Forum
2019年11月27日 · 2. You did not specify the type of "drain'" will be on the balcony. For example, if the secondary drains are through-the-wall scuppers and downspouts instead of deck drains, note that (depending on the applicable plumbing code) scuppers may require much larger area than the initial calculation suggests for a round deck drain.
Egress Balcony - Fire ratings | The Building Code Forum
2009年10月30日 · There is an egress balcony serving the Apartments on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. The 4th floor balcony has a roof above it. All balconies have access to an unenclosed / exterior stairs and also rated interior stairs. The door swing is into the building, in the direction of egress travel. The balcony is greater than 50% open.
FHA and the raised balcony - The Building Code Forum
2009年10月19日 · But the balcony needs to be 7 inches above the finish floor of the interior floor - creating the need for either a step up to the balcony or a ramp. Question: Does the designer need to include a ramp or can the designer include a note and other items to ensure "adaptability" if the tenant needs to install a ramp at a later date?
FBC 2020 (Florida) 705.8 Inset or recessed balconies considered ...
2021年4月16日 · This topic pertains to a buidling in Florida. The building code official for our project is interepreting the opening for an inset balcony as the opening in an exterior wall and thereby limiting size of openings based on fire sepration distance. We specifically recessed the exterior wall so...