ATTENUATED Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ATTENUATED is lessened or weakened (as in amount, force, or magnitude). How to use attenuated in a sentence. Did you know?
ATTENUATE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ATTENUATE is to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : weaken. How to use attenuate in a sentence. Did you know?
ATTENUATED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
The lawyer accepted that his client has several connections to the terrorist, but he described them as attenuated. An attenuated market reduced private investor interest in our company. A …
ATTENUATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ATTENUATE definition: 1. to make something less or weaker: 2. to make something longer and thinner: 3. to make…. Learn more.
Attenuated - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Attenuated is an adjective that describes something that has faded or weakened. Attenuate is a verb that means something has been made thin or less, at which point it can be described as …
Attenuate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Attenuate is a verb that means to make or become weaker. The effects of aging may be attenuated by exercise — or by drinking from the fountain of youth. The versatile word …
ATTENUATE Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
attenuated, attenuating. to become thin, fine, or weak; lessen : Over the years, my anger at my family attenuated and I was able to acknowledge the strengths they had given me.
Attenuated - definition of attenuated by The Free Dictionary
To make slender, fine, or small: The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel. 2. To reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken: Medicine attenuated the fever's effect. 3. …
ATTENUATION Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ATTENUATION is the act or process of attenuating something or the state of being attenuated. How to use attenuation in a sentence.
ATTENUATE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
It attenuates the stress-induced sympathoadrenal response seen with laryngoscopy and intubation. Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by …