Amphetamine Psychosis - Opening Doors | Page 2 - Drugs-Forum
2008年6月16日 · Amphetamine psychosis is a trip that some individual geniuses never return. I've observed lab rats having one hell of a time after ingesting LSD or psilocybine! They appeared in complete control as opposed to the datura-like delirium they assume is lab rat reality.
Spiritual - Amphetamine Psychosis - Opening Doors - Drugs-Forum
2008年6月16日 · Amphetamine psychosis is a form of psychosis which can result from amphetamine or methamphetamine use. Typically it appears after large doses or chronic use, although in rare cases some people may become psychotic after relatively small doses (Including Amphetamine based ADD/ADHD drugs such as Adderall).
Amphetamine - Drugs-Forum
2009年8月30日 · Amphetamine is a racemic mixture containing equal parts of its two enantiomers, dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. D-amphetamine is considered to be several times more potent than l-amphetamine. The term amphetamine refers to the racemic mixture, while it is preferable to specify when referring to d-amphetamine or l-amphetamine alone.
Experiences Experiences of amphetamine psychosis on adderall?
2012年11月9日 · Well my most intense experience with amphetamine psychosis was when I was 18, and going through a very bad period of my life. My parents had just kicked me out for my drug usage, and I lived in a tent in the woods near their house and neighbors for a couple weeks. At the time I didn't care much about my appearance so I had a huge untrimmed ...
Amphetamine Psychosis - Drugs-Forum
2008年4月14日 · Amphetamine psychosis, unless the use of the drug is stopped, continues to grow until it is full-blown. At this point it becomes clinically indistinguishable from paranoid schizophrenia . The good news is that it will clear once the drug is stopped, the person (victim) gets a good amount of sleep, and eats some food and restores vitamins that ...
Amphetamine Psychosis - Opening Doors | Page 3 - Drugs-Forum
2008年6月16日 · I had my first experience of amphetamine psychosis when I was 17 and it was terrifying! I'm from Newcastle and was visiting a friends family member who lived in London. I'm from Newcastle and was visiting a friends family member who lived in London.
Experiences Experiences of amphetamine psychosis on adderall?
2012年11月9日 · This has been an argument for using amphetamine induced psychosis as a model for primary psychotic disorders. To distinguish the two types of psychosis on the basis of acute symptoms is difficult. However, acute psychosis induced by amphetamines seems to have a faster recovery and appears to resolve more completely compared to schizophrenic ...
Comedown - Combatting Amphetamine Psychosis - Drugs-Forum
2008年7月14日 · Careful, amphetamine psychosis is generally indistinguishable from paranoid schizophrenia from a behavioral perspective. Amphetamine psychosis still lacks the inhibited-glutamate factor of schizophrenia in general from a neural perspective.
Experiences - "Amphetamine" psychosis - Drugs-Forum
2015年7月2日 · AFOAF ended up with amphetamine psychosis. A 3 month binge, every day. The reason why I didn't get psychosis earlier was because they had a large amount of diazepam so swim never lost any sleep. Swim realises how stupid this was and now uses moderately.
Addiction - I've got amphetamine psychosis - Drugs-Forum
2016年8月1日 · I had it late last year for 2 or 3 months and it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me. The voices, the paranoia of thinking people are...