Ambystomatidae - Wikipedia
Ambystomatidae is a family of salamanders belonging to the Suborder Salamandroidea in the class Amphibia. It contains two genera, Ambystoma (the mole salamanders) and Dicamptodon (the Pacific giant salamanders).
Mole salamander - Wikipedia
Rhyacosiredon was previously considered a separate genus within the family Ambystomatidae. However, cladistic analysis of the mole salamanders found the existence of Rhyacosiredon makes Ambystoma paraphyletic , since the species are more closely related to some Ambystoma species than those species are to others in Ambystoma .
鈍口螈屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鈍口螈屬 (學名: Ambystoma)是多種分布於 北美 的 蠑螈。 體型中等。 有明顯的肋骨間溝。 尾部側向壓縮。 頭部寬大、眼小。 不好動。 通常棲息於地底。 由於 棲息地的破壞,多個物種均為 瀕危物種。 本属包括以下物种: [1] 墨西哥钝口螈 Ambystoma mexicanum (Shaw and Nodder, 1798) :又名美西钝口螈。 ^ Ambystoma Tschudi, 1838. GBIF. [2023-06-08]. (原始内容 存档 …
钝口螈科 - 百度百科
钝口螈中的有些种类终生保持幼体特征而生活于水中,其中最著名的是仅分布于墨西哥的一个湖泊中的 墨西哥钝口螈 Ambystoma mexicanum或称 美西螈,基本上终生保持幼态,只有极少数完成变态,而主要分布于美国的 虎纹钝口螈 Ambystoma tigrinum在东部低地很短时间就完成变态而在西部高山区则保持幼体形态,虎纹钝口螈也是体型最大的陆栖蝾螈之一,身长最大可达到40厘米。 列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ和附录Ⅲ》。 [1] 钝口螈 …
ADW: Ambystomatidae: INFORMATION
Ambystomatids are stout-bodied salamanders of moderate size (10-30 cm adult length). Their tails are thick, their limbs robust, their skin smooth and shiny, and many have bright color patterns. They exhibit the most derived pattern of spinal nerves known in salamanders, and their diploid number is 28.
钝口螈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鈍口螈 (学名: Ambystoma dumerilii),是一種 幼態延續 的 蠑螈。 因其生活地点也叫 帕茨夸羅湖蝾螈 (英語: Lake Patzcuaro salamander),当地名称 Achoque 或 西班牙語: Ajolote de Pátzcuaro) 鈍口螈分佈在 墨西哥 米卻肯州 的 帕茨夸羅湖。 帕茨夸羅湖位於高 海拔,是很多 鈍口螈屬 的家園。 有指在 克雷塔羅州 聖喬安德爾里奥 的西北內陸有發現鈍口螈的 亞種,但卻因牠們是完全水生而存疑。 鈍口螈整生也會保有其 幼體 特徵,故成體有很長及多絲的外 鰓 、 牙 …
Ambystomatidae | amphibian family | Britannica
It belongs to a family of lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae) that breathe only through their moist skin. Although this may seem to be a handicap to their survival, there are more species in this family than in any other family of salamander.
Ambystomatidae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Characteristics: Ambystomatids are heavy-bodied, heavy-tailed salamanders with four short, well-developed limbs (Fig. 16.10). Adult size ranges from 80 to 550 mm, usually >160 mm TL. The lower jaw has fused angular and prearticular bones; the upper jaw has paired premaxillae and maxillae, and the lacrimal is absent.
Ambystomatidae - Salamanderland
Explore the fascinating world of Ambystoma salamanders! Learn about their diverse species, from mole salamanders to neotenic Axolotls. Discover their unique behaviors, breeding habits, and the intriguing female-only hybrid population. Dive into the endemic North American habitat of these robust, medium-to-large-sized creatures.
Family Ambystomatidae: Mole Salamanders - Animal Nepal
2024年5月3日 · The Family Ambystomatidae, commonly known as Mole Salamanders, encompasses a diverse group of amphibians characterized by their stout bodies and short limbs. These salamanders belong to the order Caudata and are predominantly found in North and Central America, inhabiting a variety of terrestrial and aquatic environments.
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