Undirected graph definition - Math Insight
An undirected graph is sometimes called an undirected network. In contrast, a graph where the edges point in a direction is called a directed graph. When drawing an undirected graph, the …
Acyclic Undirected Graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年4月29日 · HINT: Trees are simply the connected acyclic undirected graphs. Thus, every component of an acyclic undirected graph is a tree. (Indeed, another name for acyclic …
connectedness - Can an undirected graph be disconnected?
2018年12月4日 · Undirected just mean The edges does not have direction. connected means that there is a path from any vertex of the graph to any other vertex in the graph. so take any …
Simple Undirected Graphs: Adjacency matrix and the $(0-1)
2015年6月9日 · Additional information can be found here, with the definitions for an incidence matrix of a directed and undirected graph being found in Definition 2.2 and Definition 2.4, …
Closure of an Undirected Graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2018年8月28日 · I am not concerned about using this definition in particular, just a definition that someone knows works for undirected graphs. I think for the graph on the left to add the …
Treat Directed Graph as Undirected Graph? - Mathematics Stack …
2017年5月14日 · However, it also looks like a undirected graph since the connections between every two nodes are bidirectional (but with different weights). Actually I think those theorems …
Proving properties of a simple undirected graph
2012年4月25日 · Given a connected simple undirected Graph (V,E), in which deg(v) is even for all v in V, I am to prove that for all e in E (V,E\{e}) is a connected graph. Intuitively I would say …
Oriented graph VS directed graph? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
An oriented graph is an undirected graph with orientation. Think of it this way, every oriented graph is a directed graph, but not viceversa. Every oriented graph can be obtained by taking a …
How to determine the number of directed/undirected graphs?
$\begingroup$ For either a directed or undirected graph WITH loops, there can be an infinite number of graphs, because you can always add an infinite number of loops, right? So the …
graph theory - How can I prove the maximum number of edges ...
Non-duplicate handshakes analogy is similar to Maximum number of edges, in a simply connected undirected unweighted graph from V vertexes So, total edges in simple graph = (V …