How to tell your tarantula is in premolt for noobs
2016年10月6日 · A lot of new tarantula owners often ask on Arachnoboards if their tarantula is about to molt, unaware of the signs. Here is how to tell your spider is about to change clothes: 1. Abdomen becomes black. Normally, tarantula "skin" is a peach/tan color. If your tarantula has a bald spot on its abdomen, it'll be that color.
Tarantula Stuck in Its Molt? Look Here for Advice
2015年3月25日 · Onto the second part: How to help a tarantula that is experiencing molting problems (Insert: Using the procedures described below I’ve helped about half a dozen tarantulas or so out of their old exuvias over the years, from a tiny sling attempting its first molt (lost two legs but survived) to a huge male G. actaeon stuck in its maturing molt ...
Tarantula Dead or Molting? - Arachnoboards
2011年6月9日 · I don't think that you'll ever see a tarantula breath--book lungs absorb air passively. The opisthosoma doesn't contract as there isn't a diaphragm contracting the lungs for operation. Tarantulas are so wonderfully different and alien from us in function.
Tarantula stuck in molting process even after 10 hours, need …
2024年4月30日 · That thread about what to do when a tarantula is stuck in a molt posted above is the best advice. Water and a paintbrush if her chelicerae are fully out and very, very slowly and carefully. May 1, 2024
Tarantula dying after molting? - Arachnoboards
2011年9月5日 · I had a Grammostola Pulchra, a small one, like 2 cm wide. Since i bought it passed a couple months without eating, i thought it was because of the winter. After that it molted, and then it ate a bug. The thing is that like 3 or 4 week after that it molted again, but when i …
Tarantulas dying after molting. - Arachnoboards
2021年4月2日 · So I have a lot of slings of varying sizes and they keep dying after molting. The majority were under 2 inches so I think you'd expect them to be more fragile. I didn't think too much of it. But most recently, I had an incredibly healthy, active, 5 inch (guessing), psalmopoeus cambridgei die right after molting.
Tarantula molting on side? | Arachnoboards
2012年11月29日 · I have a B.albopilosum sling that has been in pre-molt for about 2 months now. I just checked on it right now and it's laying against the side of its enclosure in a very odd way. It looks like it might be molting, but on its side, rather than upside down on its back. I don't want to disturb it in case it is indeed molting, so I've left it alone.
Is my tarantula molting or dying? - Arachnoboards
2018年11月10日 · I have a red knee tarantula who has not eaten for 2 months and i thought it was in pre molt. It also has been hiding a lot more and showing me threat postures. I went to go fill its water bowl and found its upside down, its only 8 months and it has not molted since i got it. But its been upside down for about 3 days and no molting.
Tarantula not moving after molt - Arachnoboards
2021年3月16日 · Hi everyone, We have a Mexican fire leg juvenile. It molted yesterday, and seemed to be fine. It did molt standing up (rather than upside down), but it came out perfectly and looks beautiful. This morning, we checked on the tarantula and it is not moving at all. Even if we gently move the tarantula (we did NOT poke it), it doesn't respond at all.
How do temperatures affect a tarantula molting? - Arachnoboards
2016年3月12日 · So I am curious to know how temperatures affect the time it takes for a tarantula to molt. I have had my B. Smithi 2 months. When I got her, her abdomen was pinking up telling me she was getting ready to molt. It stayed that way and never showed any sign of getting darker. When I first got her I was staying at a friends house.