Church of Shrek
The Church of Shrek welcomes you to our community. Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.
Church of Shrek - Yola
If a few million years go by without the Shrek religion, then Shrek is sure to destroy the human race as well. So it's time to worship the beloved Shrek, the creator of all things. Why do you think the earthquakes happen?
Church of Shrek - Yola
Shrek's Concise Teachings. As long as you are loyal to our Mighty Ogrelord, all will be well in your life. Onions are the Way, the Truth, and the Swamp. All praise is due to Shrek, lord of all the Onions. All holidays and festivities are due to His power. Not following the Way of Shrek, or defiling His Holy Name, will result in punishment.
Church of Shrek - Yola
Click Here To Join Our Church! The Church would like to formally thank the following benefactors for their gracious "tithes" to our humble congregation: Nicole T.
Church of Shrek - Yola
Are you hoping to join our church, or to recieve more information about our Lord & Savior? Or, perhaps, you are questioning the Ogrelord's divine omnipotence, or even very existence. In response to the latter, I thoroughly understand your frustration.
Youth Cult of Shrek - Yola
Hey there Brogres + Ogirls! Ready to spread the good word of our lord & savior Shrek? We need YOU for the resistance army! Contact us to join!