Sagittaria latifolia - Portland State University
A native rooted aquatic to emergent perennial herb with tuber producing rhizomes. This species grows from a rosette of basal leaves with numerous stolons and rhizomes. The plant spreads, forming large stands in areas of slow moving or stagnant water. Sagittaria latifolia can …
OregonFlora Sagittaria latifolia
as described under Sagittaria latifolia. Herbs, perennial, to 45 cm; rhizomes absent; stolons present; corms present. Leaves emersed; petiole triangular, erect to ascending, 6.5--51 cm; blade sagittate, rarely hastate, 1.5--30.5 ´ 2--17 cm, basal lobes equal to …
Sagittaria latifolia - WNPS
Common arrowhead, duck potato, wapato. An aquatic tuber-bearing herb with white flowers. Leaves are arrowhead shaped. Plant Type: Deciduous herb. Distribution: This plant grows well from British Columbia to central California. The primary distribution is in central and eastern North America. It is widespread through North America.
Sagittaria latifolia - Wikipedia
Sagittaria latifolia is a plant found in shallow wetlands and is sometimes known as broadleaf arrowhead, [5] duck-potato, [6] Indian potato, or wapato. This plant produces edible tubers that have traditionally been extensively used by Native Americans .
Sagittaria latifolia, Wapato – Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery
An aquatic plant with arrowhead-shaped leaves. The starchy tubers of this plant are eaten by ducks, muskrats and people.
Sagittaria cuneata and Sagittaria latifolia - duck potato, wapato ...
Distribution: S. cuneata: Throughout the United States and southern Canada; only east of Cascades in Oregon and Washington. S. latifolia: Common on Pacific coast, central, and eastern United States; in Washington, primarily west of Cascades and the Columbia River Gorge. Habitat: Shorelines and marshy areas up to 1.5 m deep.
Sagittaria latifolia | Broadleaf Arrowhead | Wildflowers of the …
Sagittaria latifolia Broadleaf Arrowhead. Aquatic with emersed, floating, or submersed leaves. Each leaf arises on long stem from base. Emersed leaves arrow-shaped, 2–15 in., nearly as long as broad, with lower lobes about as long as upper lobe.
There are numerous species of wapato all over the world, but Sagittaria latifolia is common to the wetlands of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. This perennial species can grow as a thick ground cover in stands as tall as 6 feet (1.8 m). It is easily identified by its large, arrow-shaped leaves and white flowers with a bright yellow central disk.
Sagittaria latifolia | Cultural and Historic Guide to Northwest …
Sagittaria latifolia Willd. is a semiaquatic perennial with distinctive arrow shaped leaves and starchy tuber-bearing rhizomes. Found throughout the United States and southern Canadian provinces, wapato prefers slow moving water.
Sagittaria latifolia – Blue Thumb
Native, perennial emergent herb usually erect, 1-4' tall. This species has been used in shorelines zones, especially within the bench of retention ponds. It is well suited for wetland restorations within quiet pools, shallow water of lakes and ponds …
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