What ever happened to "fink"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2018年9月8日 · The noun form fink is way at the bottom, followed closely by stinker, and surprisingly, motherfucker. If we focus our attention on the last three terms, and add the verb "is", i.e. is a fink, Google Ngram should avoid those instances where the author's name, A. Fink, is cited. The expression “is a stinker” seems to have peaked in the 1950s ...
A word that represents a group of people working to achieve a …
2016年4月16日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
"Poison" is to "poisoned" as "venom" is to what?
2012年2月6日 · If we're doing Substance Noun:Past-Tense Verb for Afflicting With, then Mr Fink's answer is 95% right: Poison:Poisoned::Venom:[Buncha Stuff] You can say Bob poisoned Mike's food to mean Bob put poison in Mike's food and use something else to describe what happened to Mike himself, but the most common way to express that is Bob poisoned Mike.
What happened to the “‑est” and “‑eth” verb suffixes in English?
To expand on this, morphological leveling isn't a random phenomenon. It can be difficult to track the precise reasons for a specific change, but we can conjecture that it might be similar to issues like verb agreement in Modern English ("they/you is").
slang - Are the terms "welsh" or "welch" (as in reneging on a bet ...
It was intended as derogatory, you couldn't trust a medieval Welshman. The medieval clergyman Gerald of Wales (c. 1146 – c. 1223, of mixed Norman and Welsh descent) didn't like them very much:
"Is" or "was" written by? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年2月4日 · @peterG such use of the historical present goes back to classical Latin rhetoric (translatio temporum being the rhetorical technique of sparing use to foreground certain events), is found in Shakespeare ("He took me by the wrist and held me hard; Then goes he to the length of all his arm;") and in all is of long standing.
What is a word for an officious person who tells the ending of …
Most of your commentary around the question "is there a word for someone who gives away the end of a story" has little to do with the question. "wet blanket", "too enthusiastic": those are independent of "giving away the end of a story".
epithet requests - Is there a word for a person who gives out too …
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What do you call someone who can't keep secrets?
2014年7月12日 · First thing I would like to point out - chugalkhor doesn't seem to just mean 'can't keep a secret'. More like somebody who is actively complaining about / revealing others' wrongdoings, not 'not keeping secrets'.