Copper (II) oxide or cupric oxide is an inorganic compound with the formula CuO. A black solid, it is one of the two stable oxides of copper, the other being Cu 2 O or copper (I) oxide (cuprous oxide). As a mineral, it is known as tenorite, or sometimes black copper.
Cupric oxide, or copper (II) oxide, is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula CuO. Cupric oxide is used as a precursor in many copper-containing products such as wood preservatives and ceramics. Cupric oxide may be found in over-the-counter vitamin-mineral supplements as a source of [DB09130].
Copper oxide is any of several binary compounds composed of the elements copper and oxygen. Two oxides are well known, Cu 2 O and CuO, corresponding to the minerals cuprite and tenorite, respectively. Paramelaconite (Cu4O3) is less well characterized. [1] Copper oxide may refer to:
Определите, какие из указанных веществ являются веществами X и Y. Запишите в таблицу номера выбранных веществ под соответствующими буквами. Источник - Демонстрационный вариант КИМ ЕГЭ по химии 2019 года. Решение. Cl + NaOH (водный р-р) → CH OH + NaCl. Вещество Y – оксид меди (II), который окисляет этанол в …