Creeping Red Fescue - Lawn Care Forum
2019年7月23日 · I think the following images are creeping red fescue in my lawn. They are the light green grass and it grows more sideways then it does up. It also rips out like a carpet. Then once the area dries out it goes dormant very quickly. I have numerous patches in my yard that seem to get bigger every year. Mainly on the shaded parts of my yard.
What's bad about creeping red fescue? | Lawn Care Forum
2021年5月15日 · My lawn (reno last year) is now a mix of TTTF, SPF30 (hybrid bluegrass) and creeping red fescue. The red fescue I added because I have a few very shady areas, so I selectively seeded that into those areas. And they are.. Well, spectacular. Deep color, incredibly dense, and a "hair fine" texture. It's really nice lawn.
Seed Mix with Creeping Red / Chewings Fescue's - Lawn Care Forum
2020年10月2日 · Sill with a heavy mix of fescue but creeping red: 40% Kentucky Bluegrass 40% Creeping Red Fescue 20% SR Perennial Ryegrass I am intending to dormant seed come mid-late November and probably overseed again in the spring. I really have nothing to lose. Except for the mix of chewings/creeping red fescue.
Creeping Red Fescue vs RTF | Lawn Care Forum
2023年4月6日 · How does creeping red fescue compare to rhizomatous tall fescue? I can't find any good videos showing and explaining the difference. I saw a video on RTF and it looks like a pretty wide blade compared to perennial rye grass. How do creeping red fescue and RTF compare in look?
Panner's creeping red fescue and PRG Journal - Lawn Care Forum
In 2018 I flattened a gentle sloping hillside and rolled out 900 sq ft of Creeping Red Fescue in my backyard. My reason for choosing this type of grass was because, one, I'm in a fairly dry climate (Boise Idaho) and two, I really like how fescue looks on golf courses.
Did I kill my KBG / TTTF by seeding Creeping Red Fescue...
2021年10月26日 · I started wondering if perhaps I killed the KBG and TTTF by adding the creeping red fescue …. and after doing some internet research regarding the allelopathic qualities of creeping red fescue, I've concluded that is most likely what has happened. In my first attempt to salvage what I could, I put down some Falcon V TTTF seed.
Creeping red fescue adjacent to KBG. Problem? | Lawn Care Forum
2020年4月1日 · My yard was renovated by a professional landscape firm last year. I have a 4000 sf flat rectangle area of KBG surrounded on two sides by earthen berms that have creeping red fescue on them. Metal edging border separates these areas from the KBG. Do I need to be concerned about the fescue infiltrating the KBG?
Boreal "creeping red fescue - Lawn Care Forum
2019年5月17日 · Front: Northern mix - KBG, TTTF, and TTPR mix with some FF. Back: Firecracker LS/SLS and Bullseye TTTF with America, Rugby II, and Bewitched KBG (75/25 Fescue/KBG seed mix - 2013 reno). Upper Side: Mostly TTPR, KBG; some FF. Lower Side: KBG, TTTF, TTPR, mixed with FF in shaded area. Low-input area: FF, KBG, TTPR, TTTF (various …
Lawn Reseeding - Lawn Care Forum
2023年9月20日 · Northeast blend has: 16% Fescue (Wendy Jean Creeping red fescue, chewings fescue) , 6% alloy perennial, 15% bluegrass (starr Kentucky, Jumpstart, courtyard) Sun and Shade has: 25% perennial ryegrass (principal II, process, silver dollar), 12% fescue (reverant creeping red, momentum chewing, brynn creeping), 7% kentucky blue grass (Abbey ...
How fast can creeping red fescue spread? | Lawn Care Forum
2022年3月29日 · Even though it's classified as a rhizomes grass type it doesn't spread like bluegrass does. Over the course of the season if you give it some nitrogen being it's only a 4" hole hopefully it can fill the gap.