Annatto - Wikipedia
Annatto (/ əˈnætoʊ / or / əˈnɑːtoʊ /) is an orange-red condiment and food coloring derived from the seeds of the achiote tree (Bixa orellana), native to tropical parts of the Americas. [1] . It is often used to impart a yellow to red-orange color to foods, but sometimes also for its flavor and aroma.
胭脂樹紅 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
胭脂樹紅,又稱為「婀娜多」(英語: Annatto),是從生長在 熱帶 和 亞熱帶 的 紅木 (又稱胭脂樹)種子中提取的物質,可以作為 食用色素 將食物染成黃色、橘色,并添加特有的風味。 胭脂樹紅提取自包覆在紅木種子外面的紅色 果皮。 被用來為許多 芝士 (例如 車打芝士 、 格洛斯特芝士)、 加工乾酪 (例如 美國芝士)或 乳醬 (例如 人造黃油)染色。 一些 熏魚 、 調味料 和 零食 中也會加入胭脂樹紅。 紅木原產自 南美洲,傳播到了 亞洲 的許多地區。 在 拉丁美洲 和 加 …
Phytochemistry, biological activities and potential of annatto …
2016年5月1日 · Bixa orellana commonly known as annatto is one of the oldest known natural dye yielding plants native to Central and South America. Various parts of annatto have been widely used in the traditional medical system for prevention and treatment of …
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.), a potential novel starch source ...
2021年11月24日 · Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a native plant from America, whose economic and commercial importance lies in extracting natural pigments (bixin and norbixin) from its seeds. These pigments are widely employed as a condiment in traditional Mexican cuisine.
Physicochemical, morphological, thermal and pasting properties …
2019年4月1日 · Annatto seed and corn starches showed a typical crystalline A-type pattern. This work presents physicochemical, morphological, thermal, and pasting properties of a novel native starch obtained from defatted and depigmented annatto …
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.), a potential novel starch source ...
2021年11月24日 · Bixin and norbixin are extracted from annatto seeds, and the residual seed waste can be used as a potential source of annatto starch (AS), contributing to the circular economy of the regional...
Dynamics of annatto pigment synthesis and accumulation in …
2023年2月14日 · Bixa orellana, commonly known as annatto, is a perennial tree native to tropical America. It represents the only seed-specific source of a red-yellow dye also referred to as annatto, which has been widely used since pre-Columbian times.
What Is Annatto? Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects - Healthline
2019年9月10日 · Annatto is a natural food additive that has been linked to various benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved eye and heart health, and anticancer properties. Annatto is a type of food...
Low-frequency ultrasound-assisted esterification of Bixa ... - PubMed
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the ultrasound intensity (0, 5, 10, and 20 W/cm 2) on the esterification of annatto (Bixa orellana L.) seed starch with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) employing a short processing time (5 min) to produce a novel emulsifier.
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a native plant from America, whose economic and commercial importance lies in extract-ing natural pigments (bixin and norbixin) from its seeds. These pigments are widely employed as a condiment in tra-ditional Mexican cuisine. They are also used in industrial applications for coloring processed foods (mainly dairy.