r/Radium - Reddit
Posts must relate in some way to the element Radium. General discussion, detection, education, history, health & safety, collections and items suspicious of containing radium are all allowed. Posts discussing other radioactive materials will be removed unless posted on the designated "Off-Topic" Sunday.
Why don’t we use Radium instead of uranium in nuclear power …
Radium isn't fissile (or at least most isotopes of radium aren't fissile). The very basic way that a nuclear reactor works is this a fissile isotope (like uranium-235, plutonium-239, or uranium-233) absorbs a neutron and has a chance of undergoing fission, if it does undergo fission it releases a lot of energy and between 2-3 new neutrons which can cause more fissions.
Be very careful with radium (radioactive lume) in old watches
2022年3月17日 · Firstly, radium is not that radioactive. I've been told jokingly by numerous watchmakers and sellers that as long as I don't eat the paint, it's not dangerous. This is not true. Radium lume is extremely dangerous not because of how radioactive it is, but because the non-radium part of the paint is very old and is deteriorating.
Raydium vs Jupiter, which one do you prefer and why? : r/solana
Radium is painfully slow Jupiter all the way Reply reply Plastic-Business-472 • Raydium has become so ...
what is Raydium Authority V4 account, I see top holders of a
2024年3月20日 · Welcome to the official Solana subreddit. This is a place to post any information, news, or questions about the Solana blockchain.
Is It Safe to Wear a Radium Watch? : r/Radiation - Reddit
2023年11月19日 · The most serious concern about wearing a radium watch would be if the crystal were to break, or if the seal was poorly maintained allowing radium containing paint particles to be released where they could cause contamination, be inhaled, or ingested through your mouth.
Radium Rifle spawn locations? : r/fo76 - Reddit
2019年1月2日 · "Including standard (starting) mods, for radium rifle there are: 8 barrels, 7 stocks, 7 magazines, 4 muzzles, 17 receivers, and 9 sights" I've got up to the tuned reciver so far for damage, I'm still looking for the hardened receiver and suppressor.
Are Radium Rifles good? : r/fo76 - Reddit
2022年5月27日 · Radium Rifle has a far less reach and is more situational. You reach a point where the Radiation part of the gun isn't that beneficial when fighting Humans cause regular bullets will work as good. Reply reply
Unable to perform swaps on Raydium.io : r/solana - Reddit
2022年2月5日 · Cardano is a decentralised public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is fully open source. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed.
Reconstituting radium paint? : r/chemistry - Reddit
2022年2月17日 · It is impractical to separate the radium from the old phosphorescent material, as this would likely require using water as a solvent. Simple filtration is not an option. Radium lume is made with radium salts, as metallic radium is highly reactive and has apparently only been produced once.