What is the difference between HTTP and REST? - Stack Overflow
2021年12月27日 · API designers, please note the following rules before calling your creation a REST API: A REST API should not be dependent on any single communication protocol, though its successful mapping to a given protocol may be dependent on the availability of metadata, choice of methods, etc.
How do I make calls to a REST API using C#? - Stack Overflow
2012年3月8日 · The ASP.NET Web API has replaced the WCF Web API previously mentioned.. I thought I'd post an updated answer since most of these responses are from early 2012, and this thread is one of the top results when doing a Google search for "call restful service C#".
What's the difference between REST & RESTful - Stack Overflow
2024年7月1日 · ASP Dot NET MVC 4 is REST-Based while Microsoft WEB API is RESTFul. MVC supports only some of the above REST principles whereas WEB API supports all the above REST Principles. MVC only supports the following from the REST API. We can access the resource using URI. It supports the HTTP verb to access the resource from server
Is HTTPS protocol relevant for REST API Webservices?
2012年4月25日 · I have a HTTP REST API in PHP used by an iPhone application. Some webservices from this API are secured with a user authentication in the HTTP request credentials but I want to avoid "man in the middle" attacks by providing fully encrypted requests data.
rest - Making a request to a RESTful API using Python - Stack …
Response.raise_for_status() will help you fetch the http code that is returned from the API. Below is a sample code for making such API calls. Also can be found in github. The code assumes that the API makes use of digest authentication. You can either skip this or use other appropriate authentication modules to authenticate the client invoking ...
Is That REST API Really RPC? Roy Fielding Seems to Think So
2012年10月6日 · A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server). ... A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for ...
How to call api from localhost via https - Stack Overflow
2017年8月28日 · I am currently on a 2-person team developing a web application. I am developing the client application and my partner develops the backend in a separate project. My partner has uploaded his project to our domain (https://api.example.com) and insists only calls to the back-end should come through https.
REST API error code 500 handling - Stack Overflow
I've had these issues mainly during high traffic periods of my application. I reduced them by reducing payloads i.e. reducing arrays and objects to only what I need to send, making my server algorithms more efficient, and returning valid exceptions on bad requests.
When do I use path parameters vs. query parameters in a RESTful …
However, I assume that you are not creating a true REST API, but a 'REST inspired' API (such as the Google Drive one). In these cases the rule of thumb is 'path parameters = resource identification' and 'query parameters = resource sorting'. So, the question becomes, can you uniquely identify your resource without status / region? If yes, then ...
Rest Standard: Path parameters or Request parameters
The name of your method is apparently 'customer' (which IMHO is a rotten name for a method but REST folks love this pattern). The parameter you're passing to this method is the name of the customer. A query parameter works well for that, and this resource and query-parameter value can even be cached if desired.