Gene gun - Wikipedia
In genetic engineering, a gene gun or biolistic particle delivery system is a device used to deliver exogenous DNA (transgenes), RNA, or protein to cells. By coating particles of a heavy metal with a gene of interest and firing these micro-projectiles into cells using mechanical force, an integration of desired genetic information can be ...
基因枪法 - 百度百科
基因枪法,又称粒子轰击 (particle bombardment),高速粒子喷射技术 (High-velocity particle microprojection)或基因枪轰击技术 (gene gun bombardment),是由美国Cornell大学生物化学系John.C.Sanford等于1983年研究成功。
基因枪法在遗传转化中的研究进展-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服 …
本综述介绍了基因枪法发展的历史过程、国内外现状以及最新的技术应用,并对其影响转化效率的因素、存在的问题以及未来发展方向进行了分析。 Along with the innovation of genetic transformation technology and the expansion of research scope, a great number of progress and new application fields had been made and reached by gene gun bombardment, a technique regarded as the backbone force of transgenic technolo...
The Helios gene gun uses a low-pressure helium pulse to sweep microcarriers from the inner wall of a small plastic cartridge and propel them into the target. The advanced design of the handheld device eliminates the need for vacuum-assisted microcarrier acceleration and dramatically lowers the helium pressure required for transformation.
An improved biolistic delivery and analysis method for ... - Nature
2021年4月8日 · Biolistic delivery, also known as gene gun or particle bombardment, has been widely used to introduce DNA into plant tissues 4, 5, both for transient expression and stable transformation...
Gene Gun - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A gene gun is a biolistic particle delivery system, originally designed for injecting cells with genetic information. From: Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012
An improved biolistic delivery and analysis method for evaluation …
Biolistic delivery, also known as gene gun or particle bombardment, has been widely used to introduce DNA into plant tissues 4, 5, both for transient expression and stable transformation 6 – 8.
Biolistics - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
2011年7月29日 · The biolistic procedure, also known as the “gene gun”, involves firing small metal particles coated with the construct DNA into plant cells. The metal particles, usually gold or tungsten, are accelerated to high speed by the rapid release of high pressure helium in the gene gun into the target cells.
Gene Gun - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The micro-projectile device also called gene gun, which enables penetration of the cell wall is used to transfer the desired gene into the cell. This advanced method called the gene gun bombardment technique is also employed in edible vaccine production.
Gene Gun: Method, Applications and Limitations - Biotechfront
Particie bombardment or biolistic or gene gun is the most important and effective diret gene transfer method in regular use. In general it is a way of transfecting cells. Suppose you want to deliver a gene or plasmid into the diffrent cell and this particular cell culture is difficult to transfect using another method.