Introduction to tasks - Snowflake Documentation
In Snowflake, Tasks can execute any one of the following types of functions: A single SQL statement. A call to a stored procedure. Procedural logic using Snowflake Scripting. For complicated procedures, like generating reports or performing periodic table maintenance, combine tasks by creating task graphs.
CREATE TASK - Snowflake Documentation
When you use the CREATE OR REPLACE syntax, Snowflake drops the existing task and recreates it using the specified definition. Consider the following behaviors when you replace a task: The recreated task is suspended by default. Any ongoing task run is completed.
Managing Snowflake tasks and task graphs with Python
You can use Python to manage Snowflake tasks, with which you can execute SQL statements, procedure calls, and logic in Snowflake Scripting. For an overview of tasks, see Introduction to tasks. The Snowflake Python APIs represents tasks with two separate types: Task: Exposes a task’s properties such as its schedule, parameters, and predecessors.
EXECUTE TASK - Snowflake Documentation
If no instance of the task graph is currently running, or if only child tasks in the task graph are running in an instance, the EXECUTE TASK command schedules another run of the task graph to start immediately.
SHOW TASKS - Snowflake Documentation
Shows JSON array of any tasks identified in the AFTER parameter for the task (i.e. predecessor tasks). When run successfully to completion, these tasks trigger the current task. Individual task names in the array are fully-qualified (i.e. include the container database and schema names). . .
Viewing tasks and task graphs in Snowsight - Snowflake …
Review a task graph to see a root task, its dependent tasks, and finalizer task in the format of a task graph. For more information about task graphs, see Manage task dependencies with task graphs . When you review a task graph, you can do the following in Snowsight:
Task graph examples - Snowflake Documentation
CREATE OR REPLACE task task_sales_table USER_TASK_TIMEOUT_MS = 60 AFTER task_customer_table, task_product_table, task_date_time_table AS BEGIN LET VALUE:= (SELECT sales_order_id FROM ORDERS); JOIN CUSTOMER_TABLE ON orders. customer_id = customer_table. customer_id; INSERT INTO sales_table VALUES ('sales_order_id',:value); …
Manage task dependencies with task graphs - Snowflake …
A task graph, or directed acyclic graph (DAG), is a series of tasks composed of a root task and child tasks, organized by their dependencies. Task graphs flow in a single direction, meaning a task later in the series cannot prompt the run of an earlier task. Each task can depend on multiple other tasks and won’t run until they all complete.
CREATE TASK - Snowflake Documentation
create task ステートメントを実行するには、一時的に sql ステートメントの区切り文字としてセミコロン 以外 の文字を設定する必要があります。そうしないと、 create task ステートメントはユーザーエラーを返します。
Troubleshooting tasks - Snowflake Documentation
Snowflake creates all tasks in the SUSPENDED state. Verify the state of the task (or each task in a task graph) is RESUMED (using DESCRIBE TASK or SHOW TASKS ). Or verify that the task was manually executed using EXECUTE TASK .