Anatomical Triangles for Use in Skull Base Surgery: A …
2022年8月1日 · Anatomical triangles created by unique anatomical structures serve as landmarks to guide the surgeon during meticulous skull base procedures. The corridors rapidly orient the surgeon to the operative field and permit greater confidence regarding …
Interoptic, Trans-lamina Terminalis, Opticocarotid Triangle, and ...
2019年7月15日 · The goal of this study was to analyze the surgical exposure to different artificial lesions through interoptic (IO), trans-lamina terminalis (TLT), opticocarotid triangle (OCT), and caroticosylvian (CS) windows from the MSO, frontomedial (FM), and PT perspectives.
(d) clinoidal triangle, marked by the lateral border of CN II and medial border of CN III, demonstrates the three segments composing the paraclinoid internal carotid artery – cavernous, clinoidal and ophthalmic segment of supraclinoid ICA.
Anatomical Triangles for Use in Skull Base Surgery: A …
2022年8月1日 · Along with the opticocarotid triangle, the carotid-oculomotor triangle is a critical deep window for approach to the upper basilar artery, the P1 and P2A segments of the posterior cerebral artery, and the superior cerebellar arteries.
Enhanced Exposure of Carotico-Oculomotor Triangle Following …
Conclusions: Extradural AC enhances the exposure of the COT almost twofold. This increased exposure can be of significant help during resection of lesions of the parasellar and basilar apex regions. Keywords: Anterior clinoid, carotico-oculomotor triangle, clinoidectomy, extradural.
Artistic illustration of various anatomical triangles on the right …
Artistic illustration of various anatomical triangles on the right side in a pterional approach with an anterior clinoidectomy: (1) opticocarotid triangle, (2) carotid-oculomotor triangle, and...
Triangles in the Region of the Cavernous Sinus and Middle Fossa …
Triangles in the Region of the Cavernous Sinus and Middle Fossa Formed by the Convergence and Divergence of the Cranial Nerves. This database contains two different types of images, those with individual dynamic highlighting of relevant anatomical structures and …
Interoptic, Trans-lamina Terminalis, Opticocarotid Triangle, and Caroticosylvian Windows From Mini-Supraorbital, Frontomedial, and Pterional Perspectives: A Comparative Cadaver Study With Artificial Lesions
Quantitative Anterior and Posterior Clinoidectomy Analysis and ...
2017年2月1日 · With the pterional approach, dissection of upper BA aneurysms is usually performed through a space on either the medial (opticocarotid triangle) or lateral (carotidoculomotor triangle) side of the internal carotid artery (ICA).
Intracranial Anatomical Triangles: A Comprehensive Illustrated …
The oculomotor triangle is significant for accessing tumors located in the medial cavernous sinus and for interpeduncular lesions. Day, et al. described this triangle with different corners: subclinoidal carotid segment, posterior clinoid process, and the porus oculomotorius, calling it the medial triangle .