of Ansoft HFSS. The field calculator is a very powerful but frequently misunderstood and underuti-lized tool within the 3D “Fields” Post-Processor. These routines represent only a small set of the complete capabilities of the calculator. Starting from field data obtained by performing an HFSS solution, the calculator can generate thermal infor-
HFSS number of passes - Forum for Electronics
2016年7月18日 · HFSS uses adaptive meshing, which is to say that it sets up an initial mesh, solves the fields, and then re-meshes based on where the fields have a high concentration and/or gradient. Each re-meshing step is called an "adaptive pass". Importantly, at each step, the scattering parameters are evaluated at each port, and compared to the previous step.
In HFSS, how to set the size of a lumped port? - Forum for …
2006年11月17日 · hfss lump port If the size of the lumped size is too big, you may have to change the dimension of the simulated structure in order to leave the space to the port. In this case, the size of the lumped size does matter.
How to have unwrap phase in HFSS report? - Forum for Electronics
2005年11月13日 · hfss cang_deg There are two functions called cang_deg and cang_ang which can Cumulate angle (phase) of a complex number, cut at +/-180 or +/- pi in HFSS over version 10. Reactions: cannibol_90
HFSS, How to ground Coplanar waveguide structure?
2004年9月29日 · hfss coplanar Hi, Attached are port tutorials for your reference. I believe the second one which talks about CPW port is especially useful for you and should be able to clear your doubts and address your issues. It has details on how to set up the grounded/ungrounded/partially grounded CPW in HFSS and their applications.
HFSS: driven terminal Vs driven modal | Forum for Electronics
2007年1月17日 · hfss driven terminal or modal whenever u r using coaxial feed (TEM excitations) use driven terminal and whenever u r using other modes of propagation like TE/TM or quasi TEm u have to use driven modal as there may be chances of higher mode excitations also so that will give u correct results.
HFSS Plane wave simulation - Forum for Electronics
2004年7月22日 · exciting a plane wave in hfss Hi george, I want to simulate plane waves hitting on a piece of dielectric and find out how the E-Field will change when the wave enters the dielectric. I also wish to investigate the penetration strength of the E-field in various dielectric constants. Hence I need to know how to create a true plane wave.
about hfss port renormalize - Forum for Electronics
2004年10月23日 · When a waveport is left un-normalized HFSS tries to minimize the reflections between the port and the circuit. This allows you to analyze the return loss of your circuit as if it were feed by a perfectly matched source.
Subtract structure in HFSS - Forum for Electronics
2012年10月16日 · Q? Will HFSS automatically assign the inner hollow area as Vacuum or Air? Method 2: 1. create an outer cylinder of metal 2. create an inner cylinder of Air 3. subtract 2(Tool part) from 1(Blank part), No clone option Q?HFSS replace the inner hollow area with Air, but the hollow part will not be visible in the Design Tree. Method 3:
[SOLVED] HFSS: Two different materials intersecting error
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