Coconut oil and eye parasites at Coconut Oil Forum, topic 1731265
First, let me say that I read long and hard to verify that it was safe to put liquid coconut oil in your eyes. I finally found a doctor from Barbados who said that people in the caribbean use it all the time to soothe irritated, dry eyes. I have pinworms that have gotten into my sinuses and into my eyes. I took a round of Humaworm, but as soon as I stopped, they came back with a …
Ginger kills parasites. at Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med), topic …
Unfortunately it does nothing for the brain or eye parasites. - so I hope to get the AutoZap 5 Integrated to see if it helps. I am going to give the bath a try in the mean time. and the eye drops until I can afford to get the devices I need. Thanks for the heads up on the Bath- how to kill them that way. as well as the information on the eye drops.
Re: Eye parasites list (edit) (Rife Forum: Bio Resonance) 12/20/2009 ...
The eye is a favorite location for many parasites, including Giardia, amoebas, hookworm, schistosomes, Toxoplasma, and innumerable others. The eye has two large bodies of watery fluid: the aqueous humor and vitreous humor, where no blood traverses to bring in extra white blood cells when the need arises. It has its own protective devices, like ...
Eyedrops that get worms out of eyes? at Parasites Support Forum …
They do not believe in these parasites of the eye, etc. Read the CDC reports and you will learn why. Staggers the mind what the CDC has to say. They believe in these parasites. That they are in America and not just in third world countries. I feel really sad that so many who are sick are considered hallucinating as was I to this.
How does your body get rid of worms in the eyes and brain? at …
I’m reposting this old post because I would like to know the answer as well. ”Worms in your eyes are for real!!!. Seen them on TV. I have seen a documentary where they showed a worm crawling across the surface of the eye. Didn’t say how they got it out. With regards to those translucent worm-like things that float about in your eyes, I was told it is due to Zinc deficiency. I have had ...
Re: Video of eye parasite removal (Parasites Support Forum (Alt …
I had the exact same ones too. Totally clear things.....I also had/have the same red lined nose parasites as Boldyloxx, so having them in the eye area too, close to the nose seems logical. For me the eye parasites were easy to get rid of just through the diet and oregano oil internal capsules. Twitching and red inflamed eyes gone also. A strange thing, which might have nothing to do with the ...
Re: Information on eye parasites (Parasites: RX Drugs Against …
Clarkia Parasites Tincture Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures Candida Detox Mucoid plaque = Parasites = Candida ...
Eye/ Sinus Parasites at Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites, topic ...
Just wanted to add, my eye symptoms began over 2 years ago when we got a puppy (photo) who came with an eye infection. We later found out the horse farm the puppy was raised on had whipworms in the soil. I don't know if its related. But all 3 of my dogs show similar symptoms including this strange eye discharge.
Re: Information on eye parasites (Parasites: RX Drugs Against …
Wow, it almost sounds like the treatment for Lyme Disease. These critters are getting so smart. I have something that looks exactly like a roundworm in my right eye. I also have eye floaters and occasional stabbing pain in my eyes (yes, both). I spoke to an Opthamologist who gave me the party line--no such thing as eye parasites. I don’t believe it because I’ve seen this thing change ...
Need help identifying nose, eye, and mouth parasites
Currently I have small parasites coming out of my eyes, nose, and mouth, especially at night time. I have taken albendazole for over 6 months straight, Wormwood , walnut hull, and cloves supplements for the last 2 years, and papaya seeds twice a day for the last 3 months.