History of Folding Bikes: First Folding Bike to Modern Day
One of the first, if not the first, credibly documented inventions of a folding bike is by an American inventor, Emmit G. Latta. He filed a patent in the U.S. on September 16, 1887, and it was issued on February 21, 1888.
史说折叠车:谈谈折叠车的历史 - 美骑网|Biketo.com
2013年8月27日 · 最有可能是第一辆有文献记录的折叠车,是由美国人Emmit G. Latta所发明。 Latta在1887年9月16日向美国提出专利申请,并在1888年2月21日获得核可。 专利申请书其中一段写道:“这个发明的目标,是为了提供一个比现有车种更安全、坚固、有效、更操控的单车;以折迭机置这个概念施作,不使用时可以折迭以节省存放空间、利于携行”。 后来在美国自行车发展初期时,Latta将专利卖给Pope制造厂,同时Pope也在美国买下其它数十项相关专利,包含1866 …
Folding Bike History in 10 Pictures - BikeFolded
The first real folding bike was invented by Emmit G. Latta from the United States. He filed a patent in 1887 and it was issued 1 year later. The patent was then sold to Pope Manufacturing Company but they never manufactured the bike. Historically, folding bicycles couldn’t reach mass consumers because of expensive manufacturing costs.
The Evolution of the Folding Bike - Momentum Mag
2012年4月12日 · In 1887 Emmit G. Latta submitted a patent for a folding bicycle. In it, he stated that: “The object of this invention is to provide a machine that is safe, strong and serviceable and more easily steered than the machines now in use.”
折叠车的历史「世界上第一辆折叠汽车」-星疾 - wustars.com
2022年8月2日 · 最有可能是第一辆有文献记录的折叠车,是由美国人Emmit G. Latta所发明。Latta在1887年9月16日向美国提出专利申请,并在1888年2月21日获得核可。
The History Of Folding Bikes - Fit Clarity - Fit Clarity: Helping You ...
Another one of the first said inventors of the folding bike is Emmit G. Latta, of the United States. In 1887, he filed a patent in the U.S. for his invention of the folding bike. He sold the patent to the Pope Manufacturing Company.
The Evolution of the Folding Bicycle: A Brief History - FLIT
The folding bike, in one form or another, has been around since the late 19th century and, although its initial conception is unclear, it has been attributed to an inventor in the US by the name of Emmit G. Latta. Latta filed patents for a number of different bikes, but the most important one was in 1887 for a bike that ‘can be folded when ...
The first Folding Bicycle patent was filed by an American inventor, Emmit G. Latta on September 16, 1887. Since then, there have been innumerable inventors, manufacturers and marketers from many developed countries, attempting to offer improved compactness and/or ride for the bicyclist (including soldiers). Some patents
History of folding bicycles - Biciclasica Blog
2023年9月12日 · It had a large folding front wheel and a detachable frame. Only nine years later, in 1887, the American Emmit G. Latta patented his own design. This model was already more similar to what we are used to seeing. The aim was to …
History of the Folding Bike
2019年3月5日 · An inventor named Emmit Latta was given the patent for the first folding bike in 1887. It is no wonder why early designs of the modern folding bike as you know it have been derived from the old designs.