An ancient mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in southern Mongolia contains the dismembered bodies of soldiers who fought in [ ...
"Dismemberment was considered in Han culture the most humiliating way to die. Execution by dismemberment was the most ...
Archaeologists in Mongolia have uncovered a mass grave of Han warriors who fought against the Xiongnu over 2,000 years ago.
Archaeologists in southern Mongolia have uncovered a mass grave containing the remains of Han soldiers who fought against the nomadic Xiongnu people more than 2,000 years ago. The discovery at the ...
Genetic analysis of skeletons in a mass grave in Mongolia has revealed they were soldiers in the Han-Xiongnu Wars more than ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in ...
长期以来,在蒙古各地挖掘匈奴墓葬遗址的考古学家一直认为,一些最富有、装饰最精美的墓葬中的遗骸属于女性。然而,直到几年前基因测序技术成熟后,瓦里纳所在的马克斯·普朗克团队才得以确凿地证实了一些精英墓葬中遗骸的女性身份,并于2023年4月在《科学》杂志上 ...
Ancient DNA links European Huns to Central Asian nomads Study finds diverse ancestry among Huns, not a single origin Genetic ties connect Huns to Xiongnu elite from Mongolia ...
S.P. The origin of the Huns, who arrived in Europe in the 370s, had previously been linked to the Xiongnu nomadic group of the Mongolian steppe. However, there is little historical and archaeological ...
Researchers found that the group led by Attila the Hun contained a mixture of diverse ancestries, with at least a few related to elites of the Xiongnu Empire Sonja Anderson Daily Correspondent In ...
More importantly, Saulsbury et al. suggest that NT can be validated by curve-fitting, despite NT’s legacy showing the opposite. The original evidence for NT, left-skewed distributions of species ...
Scientists have discovered a genetic link between the Huns who ravaged Europe in the latter years of the Western Roman Empire and the Xiongnu confederacy that lived on the Mongolian steppe before ...