She offered a cause of death of pulmonary infarction in both lungs, due to pulmonary embolism and deep veinous thrombosis, due to a neglected infected pressure ulcer, severe emaciation and neglect.
She offered a cause of death of pulmonary infarction in both lungs, due to pulmonary embolism and deep veinous thrombosis, due to a neglected infected pressure ulcer, severe emaciation and neglect. Dr ...
HR 的常见临床症状包括动脉狭窄、动静脉交叉压迫(Arterio-Veinous Nicking,AVN)、微动脉瘤等,严重时还可能导致视力下降甚至失明。而且,HR 还可能与其他眼部疾病相伴出现,如视网膜静脉阻塞、缺血性视神经病变等,极大地影响患者的生活质量。 不同地区的 ...
As an interventional cardiologist, Akhter specializes in diagnostic testing, general cardiology, arrhythmias, heart failure, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, peripheral artery disease, ...