This new superconducting prototype quantum processor achieved benchmarking results to rival Google's new Willow QPU.
The market may be turbulent, but innovation never stops — and that’s exactly why InvestorPlace Senior Analyst Louis Navellier ...
There’s a crazy thing about innovation. Tech revolutions often happen at a snail’s pace at first… And then, one day you wake ...
量子计算被视为计算技术的下一个革命性前沿,有望攻克传统计算机难以应对的复杂问题,包括材料科学模拟、药物研发和密码学等领域。如今,亚马逊、谷歌和微软等科技巨头正在这一领域展开激烈竞争,各自砸下重金布局自己的量子计算技术路线。当地时间 2 月 26 日,亚马逊云服务(AWS,Amazon Web ...
In this architecture, AWS uses cat qubits to store the information, while the transmon qubits monitor the information in the cat qubits. This distinguishes its technology from Google’s and IBM ...
Physicists have found a simple and effective way to skip over an energy level in a three-state system, potentially leading to increased quantum computational power with fewer qubits. Nearly a ...