On March 16, the NBA regular season showcased an exhilarating matchup between the Houston Rockets and the Chicago Bulls, culminating in a 117-114 victory for the Rockets. This impressive game brought ...
JAKARTA, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2," the highest-grossing animated film of all time, premiered here on Saturday, with a packed theater of eager moviegoers.
BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) -- China calls on all sectors of Australia and the international community to join voices denouncing and resisting the fabrication and spread of false information by a ...
Thanks to the growth of China's parcel delivery network, people in the westernmost part of the country can now sell local ...
IT之家3 月 3 日消息,神龙汽车新能源汽车品牌 — HEDMOS 示界今日对外亮相,并公布首款车型官图。 据官方透露,“HEDMOS”源于 head+most,寓意领先、先进。“示界”指北罗盘,寓意勇敢探索与坚持。新车将于 4 月启动预售,5 月上市并交付。新车定位为 10-15 万 ...
《大神》续作的开发商之一Machine Head Works的制作人 坂田聖彦 最近接受了IGN的采访,透露了一些关于《大神》续作的情报。 坂田聖彦 向IGN透露了Machine Head Works在开发新作中所处的角色——即充当开发商Clover的桥梁。他说道,“Machine Head Works目前的参与方式是与卡 ...