The five most cruel torturers of the Pinochet dictatorship serve sentences in a luxurious prison at the foot of the Andes. The place has a swimming pool, gardens and aviaries, and prisoners are watche ...
Almost every year, cruise lines launch ships whose characteristics surpass those of their predecessors: larger, accommodating more passengers, with more swimming pools and entertainment facilities on ...
“80后”考文垂,当选国际奥委会首位女性主席!曾是游泳运动员,参加过北京奥运会 首位女主席,首位来自非洲的主席!津巴布韦游泳名将考文垂当选国际奥委会主席 2025年全国春季游泳锦标赛:张雨霏晋级女子50米自由泳决赛 “比去年的孙杨做得更好一些!”33岁孙杨在青岛春锦赛摘银达标,希望将经验传递给更多年轻人 ...
2025青岛市青年体育运动季启动仪式暨华流泳道“龙抬头游泳比赛”第二届社区迎新赛开赛 ...