Fri Feb 07 2025, 09:40 PM 09:40 PM Home Authors Sultan Shahin Mohammad Yunus Naseer Ahmed Ghulam Ghaus Ghulam Rasool Arshad Alam Rashid Samnakay Sohail Arshad New Age Islam Staff Writer ...
The idea that Muslims must reject secularism and establish an Islamic state is not a universally accepted Islamic position. Many scholars argue that Islam prioritizes justice, social welfare, and ...
A shocking video of an Iranian woman stripping down and jumping naked onto a police car in an apparent protest against the country's oppressive clothing laws for women. The incident reportedly took ...
The continued cuts across all schemes under the Ministry of Minority Affairs, especially in educational schemes, suggest that the government may be moving toward dismantling the ministry itself. The ...
The government of Maharashtra is hell-bent upon promoting Marathi with such a missionary zeal that it has forgotten the fact that many words in modern Marathi have emerged from Persian and also from ...
1. A revered Sufi of the Chishti order, known for his unwavering trust in Allah (tawakkul) and deep devotion to spiritual practices. 2. Descended from an esteemed lineage, his family migrated from ...
Thu Feb 06 2025, 10:31 PM 10:31 PM Home Authors Sultan Shahin Mohammad Yunus Naseer Ahmed Ghulam Ghaus Ghulam Rasool Arshad Alam Rashid Samnakay Sohail Arshad New Age Islam Staff Writer ...
The sudden collapse of the long-standing Assad regime in Syria last December unleashed a wave of trouble for most Syrians, with the exception of Islamists and their extremist supporters across the ...
1. Imdad Imam Asar enriched historical and literary scholarship. He was the one who enriched Urdu literature and historical studies greatly. 2. Syed Ali Imam played an important role in Indian ...
یہ کہنا غلط نہ ہوگا کہ نفسیاتی جنگ میں حما س نے اسرائیل پربرتری حاصل کرلی ہے۔کم و بیش 16 مہینوں کی وحشیانہ جنگ کے دوران دوسری مرتبہ ہونے والے جنگ بندی کے معاہدہ کے تحت حماس کی قید سے جتنے بھی ...
اسرائیل اور فلسطین کی مزاحمتی تحریک ’حماس‘کے درمیان گزشتہ پندرہ ماہ سے جاری خوں ریزی اور تباہ کاری کو عارضی طورپر روکنے کے لیے قطر،مصر اور امریکہ کی ثالثی میں 15جنوری 2025کو ایک جنگ بندی ...
بنگلہ دیش میں اب خواتین کے فٹ بال کے خلاف انتہاپسند اسلامی گروہوں نے ہرتشدد مہم چھیڑ دی ہے۔ ان کے مطابق خواتین کا فٹبال غیر اسلامی ہے اور غیر اسلامی روایتوں کو روکنا ان کامذہبی فریضہ ہے۔گزشتہ ...